Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Sunday 27 August 2023

A Year of AI ART Innovation

It was ONLY a year ago (August 18, 2022) that I got access to DALL-E -- and since then AI ART has really exploded!  Now a year later AI (Artificial Intelligence) is not only generating images -- BUT also 3D objectsanimations and videos as well. 

In fact, today (August 27th) I generated a whole AI VIDEO from a simple text prompt using invideoAI:

AI ART Programs
building up in previous years


Not AI Generated:

I started by just wanting to add color to my drawings:

Colored with regular Photoshop Elements

So I imagined that there must be a program online that colors your drawings automatically.  That's when I found Paintschainer -- now PETALICA PAINT -- to color my figure drawings in November 2017.

Pen drawing 
colored with AI

I first discovered DEEP DREAM GENERATOR about the same time, around November of 2017, and was very content with it until last year (2022):



HOLLY GRIMM wrote an AI Art program and ran my drawings through it in November, 2018:


NVIDIA PLAYGROUND had a lot of AI programs online for anyone to try, such as GauGAN and Inpainting (which are no longer available):

ARTBREEDER is an AI program best used for blending faces, but will also generate landscapes

  • This used to be "GanBreeder," which I have bookmarked since 2019

I created "AI models" based on my drawings in RUNWAY ML, beginning in August, 2020:

HOLLY GRIMM curated an AI ART exhibition -- AIKPHRASIS -- in October, 2020 (that even went to Sweden in 2022):

MONSTER MASH is a simple online program for creating 3D from 2D, and animating the 3D file:

The 3D part
was created in MONSTER MASH

EBSynth is a free program that one can download to apply an artistic style to a video:

EBSynth video of Fake Krrrl Drawings

Katherine Crowson came out with a Google Collab program that would generate images from text --VGAN+CLIP -- and many different Collabs followed from that:

** 2022 **

The AI ART Explosion
 started in AUGUST 2022

I got access to DALL-E on August 18, 2022:

I bought credits on Midjourney by August 28, 2022:

By September 3rd, 2022 I was using Stable Diffusion/DreamStudio Lite, and ate up all my free credits quickly:

AI Search Engine

In September 2022 I found LEXICA, which is a search engine for AI Art, and later allowed one to generate AI Art:

ARTBREEDER COLLAGE came to my attention in September 2022:

PALETTE FM is an AI program that changes color (a little more sophisticated than Petalica Paint); I was using this by November 2022:

CHIMERA PAINTER is a simple online AI program from Google that allows one to make different animals by putting together pieces, sorta like an online Mr. Potato Head:

PHOTOBOOTH allows one to train their own AI model, and OPEN ART allows one to do that online, and I made my own model in December 2022:

POINT-E came out in December 2022, with a demo that allowed people to generate 3D objects from 2D images.  The demo no longer works as better programs have come out since:


I got free access to LEONARDO AI in February 2023.  This program surfaced as the rival to Midjourney, and allows users to make their own AI models:

I subscribed to the Pro version of Mage Space about February 27, 2023, which is NSFW:

SCRIBBLE DIFFUSION allows one to draw something crude and then it generates something more sophisticated from that (I made a print starting this way):

While Segment Anything is somewhat restricted, and cannot be used for commercial reasons, this software is extremely useful in breaking down my drawings into shapes and pieces:

SHAP-E came out on May 12, 2023, and was an improvement over the previous 2D to 3D programs:

About May 23, 2023 I got access to LATENT LABS, a program on Discord for making 3D objects from 3D files:

I tried the new PHOTOSHOP FIREFLY AI program at Quelab in June 2023.  Since I am not paying for it, I don't have much access to it:

I got access to PIKA LABS on July 21, 2023, though I didn't use it right away.

I got immediate access to CSM on August 3, 2023.  Their servers were so overloaded then that it took days to generate a 3D object from a 2D file.  But it took less than an hour when I tried it again on August 24, 2023:

Grant lent Quelab a supercomputer on August 2, 2023, and a week later Adam had installed Automatic 1111 on it.  Generating AI images is a lot quicker on a local computer than it is using Midjourney:

The year is barely half over.  Who knows what other AI ART programs will surface and improve before Christmas.

Other AI ART Programs


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