Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 31 December 2022


When I got out of bed in 2022, it turned out to be a big year:

I made many blog summaries below --  highlighted in red -- focused on the different areas I made progress in, such as Drawing, AI Art, Printmaking etc... 

I dropped in on the figure drawing sessions wherever I went, and posted those drawings on this blog:

My anchor drawing group is the Thursday night drawing session at North Fourth Art Center in Albuquerque.  I have also continued drawing on online with the Tuesday Night Life Drawing group of Santa Fe, since March 24, 2020, when the Covid lockdowns started.

AI Art (artificial intelligence art) really blew up in 2022.

AI is now generating FAKE Krrrl figure drawings:

The AI Art programs became available to the general public in the second half of 2022 -- I got access to DALL-E 2 on August 18th -- and signed up for Midjourney later that month.  I had always been using Deep Dream Generator, but they added a Stable Diffusion "text-to-image" feature on September 29thPhoto Booth by Open Art was launched on November 22, and in December it was generating fake figure drawings in my style. Before the year was over, POINT E came out in December -- a "text-to-3D" program. I could barely keep up:

AI image into a hologram:

AI image into AR (Augmented Reality):

I created a 3D figure in Monster Mash,
and ported it into <model viewer>
to make an AR tapir,
floating about at Quelab

I made some, but slower progress in 2022 with Holograms -- on the Looking Glass Portrait display -- and AR (Augmented Reality):

Printmaking started off with our Ambos Lados exhibition at the Outpost Performance Space in Albuquerque, and the momentum continued on through the end of the year with the BUCKET EXHIBITIONS shows and pop-ups.  I handed out a lot of 6x6 inch linoleum squares to other artists, and printed them hit-and-run style on the Tortilla Press whenever anyone handed them back:

We had a big AMBOS LADOS exhibition, and a lot of BUCKET PRINTS exhibitions in 2022:

My YouTube Playlists:



Also note the 2022 summaries I made on the following blogs:


  • BUCKET EXHIBITION:  Tim gave us a great boost when he asked us to exhibit the framed 8x8 inch prints that we had been making during the Thursday night drawing group at the North Fourth Art Center in Albuquerque:

  • 8x8 SHOW:  I brought some framed 8x8 inch prints down to El Paso for the 8x8 show that Manuel Guerra organized at the "Alameda Art and Salvage" gallery, on May 28, 29, 30, 2022:

  • DESERT TADPOLES:  I am always amazed at how tadpoles sprout up in the standing water after a monsoon storm, in what  usually is the desert -- such as these that thrived behind Quelab in Albuquerque in June, 2022, until the pond dried up (before they became New Mexico Spadefoot Toads):

  • DRY RIVER The Rio Grande dried up by my house in Albuquerque.  I made a video on July 24th, 2022:

  • AI ART:  My life ended when I got DALL-E 2 on August 18, 2022, as the AI Art programs kept getting better and better right until the end of the year:

  • AI GALLERY:  My piece was altered by AI so much that it isn't recognizable as my drawing, in a gallery created by AI:
August 25, 2022

  • SCULPTURE GARDEN:  I want to put my 3D drawings in the Sculpture Garden in front of the Albuquerque Museum, even if I have to fake it using AR (Augmented Reality) and AI (Artificial Intelligence):

It gets WEIRDER:

  • REVERSE PROMPT I uploaded one of my drawings to img2prompt to generate a description of my drawing; and then I uploaded that description to Midjourney to create new figure drawings:

60s ALBUQUERQUE Albuquerque's AI past in the golden 60s is almost real:

  • STYROFOAM PRINTS:  Those at Quelab hack night on December 14, 2022 drew on Styrofoam plates, and we inked and hand printed those plates on typing paper.  They actually came out very nicely -- not to mention the DRAW and PRINT QUICK TURNAROUND:

  • TEXT-to-3D:  Before the year ended the public got to try POINT E text-to-3D programs, which produced an OBJ file.  While the 3D results are pretty ugly, this just foreshadows what will be available in the future.  I was floored that we had access to any AI 3D programs this soon:



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