Plate Wiping

"The plate is the score, and the wiping is the performance. Each performance differs in subtle ways."

--Eric's observation, after Ansel Adams

with added superstructure, to preserve the ink

Apply the ink from the center, out --
then be careful not to pull blobs of ink to the very edges.
This is Eric's easier, more hygienic way to ink.

Wiping the copper plate face down,
on a telephone book, 
to get off all the excess ink

First inking stage is done

Second stage,
the cleaner tarlatan wipes more ink off the plate

Hand wiping with the heel of your hand,
after applying a bit of magnesium carbonate and mineral spirits --
this is for the finest plate wiping,
though it is optional

Wiped plate, ready to print

One can take out the ink with (sharp) Q-tips,
to add highlights to the plate

wipe the edges before printing!


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