Friday, 7 February 2025

February 7, 2025

During the downtown ABQ Artwalk (February 7, 2025) we drew at the Safe House Distilling Co. again in Albuquerque -- Ben Harrison organized the event:

Ben setting up at the Safehouse Distilling Company
in downtown Albuquerque

The superstar table --
Daniel Allen's and Ken Romig's drawings

drew this quick portrait of Daniel Allen

Ellie Weadock's drawing 

Gary Weadock's drawing


The downtown Albuquerque ABQ ARTWALK happened on February 7, 2025:

The SECRET GALLERY runs the ABQ ARTWALK, and this spring will have a new gallery at the newly renovated ARRIVE HOTEL:

The newly renovated ARRIVE HOTEL
in downtown Albuquerque

Downtown Albuquerque in the thick of the

During the ABQ ARTWALK, the printmaking students at the University of New Mexico were printing and selling t-shirts from the woodblocks that they carved, in professor Karsten Creightney's studio:

Adam Berman, UNM printmaking lab manager (center)
with the UNM printmaking students and their blocks

Printing my shirt for $20

I also bought a t-shirt
made with a block by professor Karsten Creightney

Adam Berman printing my t-shirt
while Karsten Creightney looks on

showing lithograph prints during the ABQ ARTWALK

UNM printmaking students
also selling prints on the street

CAFE ENTROPY displayed digital artworks in their window, while robots DJ-ed and shot laser beams inside, works by AARON MANCHA and JORDAN MacHARDY:

window art on screens

Me filming the Interactive window display

Samuel "Pollo" Sisneros was showing prints from Oaxaca (by artists I know like Federico Valdez), and pottery from Mata Ortiz, in room 15 of the Mothership Alumni flat upstairs:

Samuel "Pollo" Sisneros

Prints from Oaxaca and pottery from Mata Ortiz

Samuel Sisneros showed me his
Oaxaca passport (from 2019?)


Meanwhile PAVEL ACEVEDO and HECHO A MANO gallery are showing/selling prints in PRINT AUSTIN this weekend, February 8th and 9th, 2025:

SGCI is coming to Puerto Rico on April 2nd - 5th, 2025. The rumor I hear is that SGCI is coming to Albuquerque in the future.

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