Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 22 December 2021

AI Art in 2021

In 2021 I continued pushing my drawings through Deep Dream Generator, and then discovered VQGAN+CLIP programs at the end of the year.  Ultimately I combined all of the AI programs to create holographic imagesI also experimented with other text-to-image programs that popped up.


Holly Grimm started off the year giving an online live stream presentation of her AI art for Currents New Media, using her figure drawings for a database:

January 5, 2021

Holly Grimm transferred the Tuesday Night Santa Fe drawing group to Zoom, thereby saving it during Covid.  She is also at the forefront of AI art.  I have been following her example, trying to apply the AI tools to my figure drawings.


My most successful formula was to continue using Deep Dream Generator to transfer a style to my pencil drawings, and then blend the AI result with the original, using Layers in Photoshop Elements 2021.

Collaborative Example (with Aggie.io):

A Upper Left, the original scanned drawing

BUpper Right, that drawing altered in AI by Petalica Paint

CLower Left, that drawing altered in AI by Deep Dream Generator

DLower Right, the two AI results blended using Layers in Photoshop Elements 2021



The most successful styles to transfer to my drawings -- come from the images I created myself below:

I also can generate images online and apply those styles to my drawings, using programs like these:

Playform is another online AI platform.  I applied the style of Robert Atkinson's AI creations to my drawings.

Playform will also let you "train a model" using just a few images (I used 30), whereas most of the other training programs recommend thousands of images.


EBSynth is a style transfer program that works with video, and not just still images (like Deep Dream Generator).  I altered one of my morphing videos with EBSynth, compounding the AI alterations:


I also enjoyed using the new VQGAN+CLIP programs in the Colab Notebooks, to make AI art.  I started this about July 6, 2021.

FAKING other artists:

AI Architecture:

PUSHING VQGAN iterations:

I then pushed the VQGAN+CLIP AI process thorough many iterations, starting from the same gesture drawing (colored with AI):
  • First I seeded the VQGAN+CLIP program with the same image, but used various text prompts. 
  • Then I played "telephone" and seeded the VQGAN+CLIP program with the previous image result:

VQGAN Sculptures:

VQGAN with volume:

I further altered some of my VQGAN+CLIP drawings with Deep Dream Generator, to give them more sculptural volume.

VQGAN Holograms:

The AI sculpture results allowed me to convert them into hologram images:

(the bottom sequence does not work)

Deep Dream Cheeky:

To be completely cheeky:
  • I destroyed a figure drawing (after noodling it to death at a coffee shop)
  • I uploaded it to Deep Dream Generator, and applied their in house "Deep Dream" style to it (top image).  
  • Then I uploaded the result to a VQGAN+CLIP program, and used the text "Deep Dream" prompt to alter the original Deep Dream image (bottom image):

Japanese Dalí:

VQGAN+CLIP converted one of my drawings into a Japanese version of a Salvador Dalí's painting "Persistence of Memory":


Glide is another VQGAN text-to-image program:

Blog Entries:

VQGAN Programs:

However no matter how well the AI process worked, it always lost all but a trace of my input drawing.  In other words, the results were not really my art.  In fact, there is a danger that everyone's VQGAN+CLIP art looks the same.

StyleGan2 Pretrained Model

My dataset is uploaded on Justin Pinkney's GitHub -- Awesome Pretrained StyleGAN2:


Deep Face Drawing is an online program like Artbreeder, but not nearly as good.

Monster Mash

MONSTER MASH is a simple online 3D animation software. Google has an entry about Monster Mash on it's AI blog.


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