Monday 10 June 2024

Rail Yards Market ABQ -- with Quelab

I made "Street Taco" sized prints -- as part of the Quelab "Mini-Maker" table for "Steam Day" during the Rail Yards Market in Albuquerque, on Sunday, June 9th, 2024:

The Quelab banner

Setting up at the Rail Yards Market

My Tortilla Press set-up
for live printing "street taco" sized prints

All of the images were generated by AI in Midjourney:

This framed small roadrunner print
went to Philadelphia

Visitors from Santa Fe and El Paso

This AR Alien Javelina intruder
showed up from southern New Mexico/El Paso
(further animated with Haiper)

Noah and Adam setting up

Noah working the homemade lathe

Daniel working the homemade lathe

Another printmaker was in the Rail Yards -- Stephanie Weiner:

Stephanie setting up

Her prints

The view of the Rail Yards market
from the opposite end

The next building (closed)

Inside the adjacent building,
soon to house the New Mexico Media Academy

NOTE:  As all my printmaking supplies fit in one box, I walked it and a table over from my house, which is like a block away from the Rail Yards:

making them easy to carry around


The last time Quelab was showing off at the Albuquerque Rail Yards was on May 15th, 2022:

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