Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Friday 30 September 2022

Summary -- 3rd quarter 2022

In the last couple of months I have pushed my figure drawings with online AI programs, and now my head spins.


I made a YouTube playlist of my drawings as well as my AI creations this year --  Playlist of the Best KRRRL Drawings 2022.

The video above showcases my pen drawings from live figure drawing sessions, scanned and colored online with Petalica Paint.  Sometimes I remove the white with the "clear" bucket in Photoshop Elements, to create a PNG with transparency...this can work better when uploading to Petalica Paint.

Web AR

View my 3D tapir in AR (Augmented Reality) on your smart phone from the browser, WITHOUT downloading an app:  https://staynalive.net/ar/210223.html

One can use the website <model-viewer> to test the GLB file and generate the AR code.  Again, no one has to download an app, this works directly from a website.  The curator just needs to post the code and image on a server.  One can download some of my AR zip packages from THIS FOLDER online.

I experimented with the Adobe Aero AR app last year to place my Augmented Reality figures in the sculpture garden at the Albuquerque Museum -- download from THIS LINK to view.

Worldcast seems to host WebAR projects for free, as well as help people create them.

NFC Tags

Adric programmed some small NFC tags for me at Quelab.  One can tap their smartphone on the NFC tag, and it will take them to a website. I tucked one of these tags into the corner of an 8x8 inch frame, so that a viewer could tap the corner of the frame and then enjoy a Web AR experience.  The NFC tag can take the visitor to any website site however, it doesn't have to be Web AR.

3D Gallery Online

I uploaded my AI Maya figure drawings, a few of my Paint 3D drawings, and some AI videos to Spatial, an online 3D gallery -- ENTER at THIS LINK.

Spatial.io will host your online gallery for free as well as for a fee.


Adric helped me get a Looking Glass Portrait display, and we have been uploading my drawings and experimenting with it at Quelab:

One can download many more of my files for the Looking Glass Portrait hologram display: Hologram files at THIS LINK.  -- and THIS LINK (quilts).

This external battery from Amazon will probably juice up the Looking Glass Portrait display so that I can show holograms without being plugged into the wall. 


I have been trying to alter my drawings with AI (Artificial Intelligence): 

(derived from Hendrick Goltzius,
not from my drawings)

This summer a lot of new text-to-image AI Art programs came out (mostly paid):

Other new relevant AI Art resources:
I continue to use the older, but still powerful and unique, AI programs:


Below are recent blog posts about my AI Art adventures:

Other useful digital art programs:

NEW AI ART Programs

These programs are so new that I haven't done anything with them yet:

1)  DREAMBOOTH allows one to train with their own images, which will be used with the "text-to-image" prompt to make new AI Art combinations.

Nerdy Rodent seems to like this Collab by ShivamShrirao for training with Dreambooth.  One needs to have a Hugging Face account to use these Collab programs.

Check out the HUGGING FACE Library to see the images that other people have trained to make AI models.  Justin Krane trained on his drawings.

2)  Also Nerdy Rodent says there is a Collab for making infinite outpainting/canvas.

3)  "Text-to-Video" -- there is this limited online demo by COG Video, and a Hugging Face demo (which does not seem to work for me).  Runway ML already has a waiting list for their "text-to-video" software.  Meta has a program coming out as well.

4)  "Text-to-3D?" -- Nvidia is coming out with GET3D, which translates 2D into 3D.  Dreamfusion has a limited online demo.


Meanwhile I have continued to print and exhibit 8x8 inch prints for the BUCKET EXHIBITIONS project.


I even made some fake 8x8 inch prints by laser engraving some AI images into linoleum and printing them on the Tortilla Press:


I bought a portable 4x4 inch laser cutter, a LASERPECKER 2, to create prints.  It will engrave deep enough into linoleum to make a nice relief print.  



Touching base with more traditional printmaking, I commissioned Remarque Print Workshop to make a photopolymer print of one of my drawings:


We exhibited 18 prints in the Los Griegos public library in Albuquerque, August 16th to September 30th, 2022.  These are the 8x8 inch prints mostly created by the figure drawing artists at the North 4th Art Center, pressed during the model breaks:

I am still looking for Expanded PVC foam, 6x6 inch sheets, as they are out at Port Plastics.  Amazon is selling 1/8th inch thick 6x12 inch sheets, ten for about $20.


Ultimately I would like to integrate all this 21st Century potential into a coherent presentation in a gallery.  We could massage AI images into linocuts, and show those framed prints in brick-and-mortar galleries, next to the hologram display.  We could add NFC tags to the corner of those prints, to encourage the visitors to tap into a Web AR experience...or send the visitors to our online print gallery (and even sell the on Etsy, or the images as NFTs).  The experience has to be FLUID and painless however, after we weave all these facets together.

And it's only going to get weirder with TEXT-TO-VIDEO from Runway ML and Meta -- and COGVideo Demo or on Hugging Face.


In 1995 Brian Eno noted how the role of an artist might have changed, from say not just creating a painting with your own hands, to perhaps embellishing that drawing by bringing in a collection of other work that sharpens the focus, for instance:

"An artist is now a curator. An artist is now much more seen as a connector of things, a person who scans the enormous field of possible places for artistic attention, and says, What I am going to do is draw your attention to this sequence of things."

Now one also has to be a curator when generating AI Art, sifting through the creations to find a collection of results that are more relevant, with a deeper significance.  Perhaps the AI Artist has to bend the AI results to his own liking, with digital painting and photobashing.  Ultimately it seems like he has to vigorously curate the AI results to get anything artistic.

Chimera evolution in Quelab,
Robert and my collaboration

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