Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 22 December 2021

Exhibitions 2021

All exhibitions are listed at the end of this blog entry

(and ~sorta) 

December 2020:



  • Henry Morales and I made a collaborative print to send to MAPECO print studio in Uruapan, Mexico which was probably exhibited:

  • I made AR/QR stickers of my Augmented Reality figures, which can be seen anywhere on the newer iPhones:

I showed one of my 3D AI (Artificial Intelligence) print outs at the South Broadway Cultural Center in Albuquerque for the "Our Existential Space" exhibition, June 3rd - July 16th:



In Silver City, New Mexico they exhibited my print exchange print during the Southwest Print Fiesta 2021:

  • I sent a jpg of my skull drawing to Los Tres Gatos in Guadalajara, as they were going to print out photocopies of all the submissions and paste them up in a big display of Tzompantli (an Aztec skull rack):

In December I discovered that Xavier and Alejandra pasted all those skulls up in "Panteon de Mezquitan" in Guadalajara:


  • I had a print in the Ambos Lados International Print Exchange exhibition at Casa Ortiz in Socorro, Texas, just south of El Paso -- from November 5th to November 31st:

Next stop:  Exhibition in Albuquerque in January 2022, at the Outpost Performance Space.

UPDATE (January 2022):  Mark Hanslip used my drawing model in the second phase of his audio-visual commission -- Ganderings -- for the Manchester Jazz Festival 2022:


  • My AI figure drawing faked on a building in LA or other big city (courtesy PhotoFunia) :

I had my first BUCKET EXHIBITION of prints during the drawing group at the North Fourth Art Center in Albuquerque.  This is the follow up to Ambos Lados, showing only about ten 8 x 8 inch prints:

I was featured on the video John Tollett made of the Tuesday Night Drawing group from Santa Fe:

I created a 3D online virtual gallery on Cryptovoxels of the collaboration pieces I created in 2021, with John Tollett and Holly Grimm of the Santa Fe Tuesday night drawing group:

Other Exhibitions

Continuing Exhibits: Desert Triangle Print Carpeta:

Both of these exhibitions started in 2020 during the Covid Pandemic, but continued into 2021.  My work was not represented, but organized the Desert Triangle Print Carpeta.

Manuel Guerra's print for the IPE 2021 (International Print Exchange in England) was posted on their website, along with the prints of other El Paso/Horned Toad printmakers -- Gummi Thordarson,  Adriana Zavala, and Susan Gonzalez:


We missed the Tucson Sculpture Festival 2021, however Joshua Woodhall posted an online video tour of the exhibition:

I had something to do with the Tucson Sculpture Festivals in the past, from 2012 - 2015.


  • Tanya Rich and I surfaced in a YouTube video posted by Octavio Irving, a printmaker in Havana:

Manuel Guerra of Horned Toad Prints was one of the judges for the Miniprint project of Ecuador, Colombia and Mexico, sponsored in part by Taller Grafica Libre of Zaachila, Oaxaca:


  • Tanya Rich drove away all my framed print collection, to hang in her house in Florida, and perhaps exhibit in other venues.  Prints are made to be seen, so they are in much better hands hanging on her walls than they are stored in boxes in my small dwelling:

She was there when I bought half of those prints.

Bob Richardson from the Santa Fe Tuesday night drawing group had a write-up in Vasari online magazine.


Manuel Guerra of Horned Toad Prints, and Adrian Aguirre and Beatriz Rivas of Taller Grafica Libre in Zaachila, Oaxaca, were part of the "Efecto Avalanacha" on Instagram on April 1st:


Manuel Guerra borrowed my etching press for an event he participated in at the Rubin Center on the UTEP campus in El Paso  -- Teen Studio Night -- on July 15th. This then lead to subsequent live printing events in New Mexico and El Paso:

About July 16th printmaker Juan de Dios Mora of San Antonio interviewed Manuel Guerra of El Paso on Instagram:


Ray Leith had an opening at the Peyton Wright Gallery on August 7th:


Erin Currier had an opening on September 10th for her annual show at Blue Rain Gallery in the Railyards in Santa Fe:

Andrea Broyles of the Santa Fe Tuesday Night drawing group showed at The Other Art Fair in Dallas:

Sandi J Ludescher had a show at the North Fourth Art Center in Albuquerque.  I believe that the show had been up since November, but I did not get to see it until December:

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