Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Sunday 23 October 2022

Fake Egon Schieles

I transformed some drawings that I made with Paint 3D into Fake Egon Schieles -- using the "Text 2 Dream" feature in Deep Dream Generator:

These are the same drawings I transformed into Fake Michelangleos:

The starting image was a collaboration
between John Tollett and I

prompt:  "In the style of Egon Schiele"
I did not like this result 

My favorite

Gerrit Haase was making some nice Fake Egon Schieles using "Text 2 Dream" also, in Deep Dream Generator:

One can find a lot of other Fake Egon Schieles on the Lexica search engine:

We watched the Klimt movie on October 22, for free on TUBI.  Egon Schiele had a few cameos in this movie:

Egon Schiele and Gustav Klimt

Random Mumblings

We need curators more than ever in this AI Art avalanche.  I would like to see someone pan through the myriad of AI Art images and select their ten best.  Even better if three AI Art curators posted their ten best selections on one website.

I am having the most success transforming my drawings using the "Text 2 Dream" feature in Deep Dream Generator.  All the other AI programs pretty much ignore my input drawing. Also note that this "Text 2 Dream" feature is still less than a month old.

There is a lot of backlash against AI Art on the Internet at the moment.  Personally I feel that most AI Art is not that exciting.  Most of the results from Midjourney, for example, all look the same to me...or at least they lean towards the same style.  I believe that the sweet spot is somewhere between AI alterations and original drawings/paintings. Again, "Text 2 Dream" best allows one to steer into that middle ground.

The AI Art programs seem to do a decent job at delivering the literal content of the prompt.  However I think the most successful art creations are when AI also alters the STYLE.  Therefore it can be important to add "in the style of ___," where the blank refers to a particular artist.

Again, for me, the best art is when the style of the piece agrees with the content.

I like how my Paint 3D drawings from last year (Best 1, Best 2) translate nicely with AI Art programs; both with these fake Egon Schieles and the fake Michelangelos.  The next step then is to buy a Windows laptop that I can draw on.  Then I can draw the live model with a stylus, and alter her with AI Art programs during the break.

I am thinking that a Yoga laptop would work nicely for this job:

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