Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Friday 31 July 2020

June and July Review

During the Covid Summer of 2020, I continued to push my drawings as far as I could through the software of the Internet.


I try to think in 3D when I was learning to draw the figure with a pencil on 2D paper.  I would break the forms up into spinning shapes and perpendicular lines passing through the model.  The free 3D program Blender 2.8 allowed me to realize those spinning shapes and piercing lines as I imagine them.

I would like to see a drawing program, when one can draw on the screen while shapes spin in 3D.  Perhaps one could choose, spin and orient these shapes from a menu of primitives.


When I transfer the style of a Voronoi image to my figure drawing in Deep Dream Generator, it thickens up my pencil lines.  Using Photoshop Elements, I blend the result from Deep Dream Generator with my original figure drawing to get exactly what want.

I created two Voronoi images with this program,
and overlapped them in Photoshop Elements to create the image above.
I then transferred that image to my drawings


There are a lot more free online art programs that will alter my drawings than when I last looked (about 2016).  Here are some examples below:


I trolled GitHub (now owned by Microsoft) for art software, after I realized that a lot of these odd online art programs originated there.

Most of the GitHub programs generated interesting images that I could download and use as style references, to apply to my drawings in Deep Dream Generator.


PIFuHD is a software demo program in Google's Colaboratory that will convert a 2D photo into a 3D object.  It did not work that well using my drawings, but it does work alright with frontal photos of people taken standing up.


There are a lot of programs that will generate art from scratch, sans artist, and I made a whole blog posting about many online automated art generators.

As an example, I started by downloading a person that does not exist, and uploading her to other online art generators.


I played around in Blender 2.8 to see how I could push my drawings into something different.  I noticed that I liked the 3D results that included a hand drawing, more than entirely computer generated 3D images.  I am fairly biased, but the computer images seem colder to me.


Peter Synek saved a lot of the paintings I was going to toss when I moved to Juarez in 2007.  I posted pictures of these salvaged paintings in June:

Then I used the old paintings as style references in Deep Dream Generator.  That is, I transferred the style of these paintings to some of my pencil drawings, and was fairly pleased with the results.


It was easy to create a kind of 3D image in Photoshop Elements.  I made a stereoscopic pair of images by slightly shifting one image to the left or right from the other image.  When one overlaps these two images -- by crossing their eyes -- one figure will float over in front of the other.  

This is a tangible 3D illusion that happens in your head.


In addition to drawing online every Tuesday night with the Santa Fe Argos group, I also found a couple of websites that offered models to draw -- namely Croquis Cafe and Sketch Daily.

John Tollett made two videos about the drawings from the Santa Fe Tuesday Night Drawing group:

And the sequel:

April Update

Deep Dream Generator upgraded their online AI program to deliver a higher resolution result.  I also played with the Settings, to get stronger  (and weaker) style transfers.

A Covid Summer

Days after the July Art Walk in downtown Albuquerque, people started painting graffiti murals on the boarded up windows.  I documented the evolution on this blog.

From June and July

*Online Model References:

"A curated list of awesome projects, works, people, articles, and resource for creating art (including music) with machine learning."

*July 7, 2020


*Other Online Interactive Art Programs

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