Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Friday 31 July 2020

Deep Dream Generator -- Variations on warping strength

Google's Deep Dream Generator updated their program in April.  I noticed that the user can opt for stronger, or weaker style transfers.  Or he can pass over the Settings, and leave the medium default on, as it was before.

E X A M P L E   1

I transferred the style from an image I captured in Drawcode.

Style Transfer

Style Transfer

Style Transfer

E X A M P L E   2

I transfer the style of Alphonse Mucha image to one of my drawings:

Style Transfer

High style transfer settings,
raw result

Settings for a strong style transfer

The result blended with the original
in Photoshop Elements

Style Transfer

Medium style transfer settings,
raw result

Settings for a medium style transfer --
these are the program's default settings

The result blended with the original
in Photoshop Elements

Style Transfer

Low style transfer settings,
raw result

Settings for a low style transfer

The result blended with the original
in Photoshop Elements

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