Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Thursday 30 November 2017

Finish My Drawings


I'm self-publishing the second book of my drawings called -- Finish My Figure DrawingsNow available on Amazon!

Anyone is invited to download my drawings and improve them anyway they want.  They are in public domain.

#Krrrlfinish on Instagram

Back cover

Drawings for Download


My 1st Drawing Improved,


Drawing altered with online AI (artificial intelligence) program,
blending "drawing 002" and a Gelli print

Listed below are a few creative online image altering programs, to start finishing my drawings:

This is  not an original idea, as I found someone else online challenging people to finish his drawings.

Not to mention this Just Seeds downloadable graphics for printing.

Note:  There was a 400 MB limit for uploading the pdf file of the book to CreateSpace.


I am posting all the improved and finished drawings on this link -- also many are posted on Instagram, tagged "#krrrlfinish."

We "book dropped" at the Miami Convention Center for Art Basel 2018.  Someone first stepped on the book, and then soon afterwards someone else picked it up.

JJ laser cut one of my drawings
into dog tags at QueLab hackerspace in Albuquerque
(May 21, 2019)

UPDATE (Feb 2019):  I found that Victor Mosquera was doing a similar thing with his drawing on Instagram -- he asked for anyone to interpret his drawing, and post the results under the hashtag #victormosquera on Instagram.

UPDATE (June 2020):  I remixed some of the drawings in my book with my old paintings in the online AI program Deep Dream Generator, and was very pleased with the results:

UPDATE (August 2020):  I got the computer to churn out fake Krrrl drawings.  I uploaded all 201 drawings in this book, in high resolution, to Runway ML.  Then a program nested inside of Runway ML -- StyleGAN 2 -- "trained" on my drawings to make a "model."  That model now generates seemingly infinite fake drawings in my style, some of which are not too bad.

UPDATE (October 6, 2021):  I converted the first 20 drawings of my book into "binary" black and white dots, essentially a halftone:

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