Tuesday 2 July 2024

July 2, 2024

We drew at Sir Henry Morales' studio in Albuquerque:

Lines added with AI



My AI image


My AI image

NOTE: All the Deep Dream Generator alterations were done in "AI Upscale," with creativity up 100%, and in the "Art/3D'' model



I uploaded my first three drawings, followed by the Deep Dream Generator alteration of each, to make a bad AI video from the six images using KREA.AI:

Bad AI Video


I used AI to write a program to overlay my drawings with lines (or any image that I upload)  -- with websim -- which I can then upload to animate with EzGif:

The first instructions I typed 
into websim

I could not get websim to make an animated GIF, but I did manage to download 5 screen shots, and make an animated GIF from them in EzGif:

An example of the result

I was trying to get something like the animated "Saint Sebastian" image below:

Life and Legend

Saint Bert, born in the early days of the digital age, was renowned for his ability to find harmony and meaning in the chaotic streams of data that flowed through the nascent internet. Legend has it that Bert could visualize the movement of information as intricate patterns of lines, leading him to become a guide for early web developers and digital artists.

It is said that Bert's meditations on the nature of digital motion led to breakthroughs in animation techniques and data visualization. His teachings emphasized the importance of flow, continuity, and the interconnectedness of all digital entities.

Miracles and Influence

The most famous miracle attributed to Saint Bert occurred during the Great Server Crash of 2001. Witnesses claim that as websites around the world went dark, Bert appeared as a shimmering hologram, his flowing lines of code restoring connectivity and preventing a global digital catastrophe.

Today, programmers and digital artists often invoke Saint Bert when facing seemingly insurmountable coding challenges or creative blocks. Many report sudden breakthroughs accompanied by visions of gracefully moving lines.

"In the dance of pixels and lines, we find the true nature of digital divinity." - Saint Bert

Veneration and Celebrations

The Feast of Saint Bert is celebrated annually on October 4th, World Animation Day. Devotees often mark the occasion by creating looping animations or participating in 24-hour coding marathons dedicated to optimizing movement in digital interfaces.

In many tech companies and design studios, small pixel art representations of Saint Bert can be found near computer workstations, believed to bless the space with smooth workflows and inspired creativity.

Saint Bert is the patron saint of:

UX/UI Designers
Data Visualization Experts
Digital Artists
Anyone struggling with writer's block or coding challenges

  • Bobby Orr gave us a new tessellation tile

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