Sunday 12 May 2024

Perplexity AI


😢"Krrrl's embrace of AI generation methods to create "fake" drawings in their style (3 4 5) could potentially be criticized by traditionalists as undermining human artistic expression and creativity." 

😭 "Some may see Krrrl's openness to having others "finish" or alter their drawings (3) as diminishing the artistic vision or not fully realizing the potential of the original works."

When I asked questions of the AI program PERPLEXITY -- it didn't charge me money, but it also didn't always give me the answers that I wanted it to:


"Stippling refers to creating images using small dots, which is also mentioned as a technique Krrrl employs in the drawings."

what is the style of krrrl's drawings

"Krrrl's drawing style is characterized by figure drawings with a focus on line work and stippling techniques"

how does krrrl's drawing style differ
from other artists

"So in summary, Krrrl's recognizable drawing aesthetic combines stippled shading, a concentration on figure studies, incorporation of Voronoi patterns, and an embrace of AI generation techniques - making for a distinct, technology-driven style that sets it apart from many other contemporary artists."

how has krrrl's drawing style evolved over time

"While Krrrl's early works were traditional figure drawings and sketches, more recently they have started experimenting with using AI to generate "fake" drawings in their style."

how has krrrl's drawing style influenced other artists

"Krrrl acknowledges influences on their style from various artists and movements like Roger Dean, as well as techniques like stippling and ambiguous figure-ground relationships inspired by M.C. Escher and Salvador Dali"

"However, there are no clear examples given of Krrrl directly influencing specific artists' styles based on these sources."😟

how has krrrl's drawing style been received
by the art community

"Unfortunately, none of the provided search results directly mention how Krrrl's drawing style has been received by the broader art community."

what are some criticisms of krrrl's drawing style

A few potential inferences that could be made based on the information given:

1. The stippling and line-based figure drawing techniques that form the core of Krrrl's style could be seen by some as fairly traditional or derivative of past art movements like Surrealism that employed similar methods 3.😕

2. The incorporation of Voronoi patterns and geometric overlays 4 5 may be viewed by some critics as gimmicky or an attempt to make the drawings seem more technologically innovative than they actually are.😟

3. Krrrl's embrace of AI generation methods to create "fake" drawings in their style 3 4 5 could potentially be criticized by traditionalists as undermining human artistic expression and creativity.😢

4. Some may see Krrrl's openness to having others "finish" or alter their drawings 3 as diminishing the artistic vision or not fully realizing the potential of the original works.😭

I basically asked Perplexity the one question everyone asks me -- What kind of drawing style does Krrrl use? -- and after answering it, Perplexity generated new follow-up questions by itself, which I clicked on and then added to this blog post.


Back in February I had also asked Perplexity essentially the same question  -- What style are KRRRL Drawings? -- and got a slightly different answer:

"The process of creating KRRRL Drawings involves using a dull pencil on newsprint paper, followed by scanning the originals to enhance and refine the artwork 3. This method highlights the importance of traditional tools and techniques in the creation of KRRRL Drawings."

I ranted against contour lines back in January 2022:
I also wrote about my style in my book -- "Finish My Figure Drawings"


My work explores the relationship between multiculturalism and UFO sightings. With influences as diverse as Nietzsche and John Lennon, new tensions are created from both mundane and transcendant meanings.

Ever since I was a pre-adolescent I have been fascinated by the traditional understanding of relationships. What starts out as yearning soon becomes corroded into a tragedy of defeat, leaving only a sense of chaos and the dawn of a new synthesis.

As shifting phenomena become frozen through frantic and diverse practice, the viewer is left with an epitaph for the inaccuracies of our future.

UPDATE (May 13th) -- Open AI announced that they were giving everyone free access to their new program "Chat 4O":

What kind of drawing style does Krrrl use?

I asked ChatGPT a similar question -- "What kind of drawing style does Krrrl use?" -- and it gave me poor answers (way worse than those than Perplexity gave me).

They implied that everyone now had access to Chat4o, but apparently I did not have access to "Chat 4O" yet.

  • I signed into ChatGPT and only had access to Chat 3.5
  • I signed into OpenAI Platform and it would not answer any questions for me -- moreover, if I paid I would still only have access to Chat 3.5

"What kind of drawing style does Krrrl use?" 

Answer on May 13, 2024

"Krrrl's drawing style can vary depending on the context and medium they're working with. However, Krrrl is known for their distinctive blend of whimsical and detailed illustrations. They often incorporate vibrant colors, intricate linework, and playful characters into their artwork. Krrrl's style might be characterized as a mix of cartoonish elements with a touch of surrealism, resulting in visually engaging and imaginative compositions."


UPDATE (May 20, 2024):  I understand that OpenAI may be rolling out Chat 4O gradually, even to free users, and I even got some kind of indication that I was getting some Chat 4O when I opened up the program on May 20th.  Note in the upper left corner there was no longer an indication of what version of "ChatGPT" that I was using, unlike in the past.  Moreover I got an entirely different answer than I did a week ago, but it was way worse:
Answer on May 20, 2024

"Krrrl, also known as Karl Kwasny, is recognized for his distinctive illustrative style that combines elements of hand-drawn intricacy with a modern, whimsical touch. His work often features:

  1. Detailed Line Work: Krrrl’s illustrations are rich in fine lines and meticulous detailing, giving his art a textured and layered appearance.
  2. Organic Forms: His drawings frequently include natural and flowing shapes, often inspired by nature and organic patterns.
  3. Playful and Surreal Elements: Krrrl incorporates playful characters and surreal elements into his illustrations, blending reality with fantastical aspects.
  4. Muted Color Palette: While he sometimes uses vibrant colors, Krrrl often opts for a more subdued and harmonious color palette that complements the intricate line work.
  5. Narrative Quality: His illustrations often tell a story or convey a sense of movement and progression, making them engaging and thought-provoking.

Overall, Krrrl’s style is a unique blend of detailed craftsmanship, whimsical themes, and a touch of surrealism, creating visually captivating and imaginative works."

LIKE...who is this "Karl Kwasny?"  Why did ChatGPT equate "Krrrl" with "Karl Kwansy," that seems like a reach.  Is the new ChatGPT even worse than the old ChatGPT?




HOWEVER these answers were better than when I first tried using ChatGPT on November 2022, when it came out:

Also GROQ AI didn't give me a good answer either, earlier this year:

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