Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Thursday 30 November 2023

November 2023 -- SUMMARY

 30 blog entries for November 2023 -- as many posts as there are days in November!

This was a crazy month for AI as Sam Altman was fired from Open AI, and then rehired again.  Plus there is a suggestion that Open AI has recently achieved AGI (and more scuttlebutt and doom and gloom).

Meanwhile I pushed my drawings further with AI -- through video, 3D and the improving 2D AI image generators.

END of Another ERA

We had the last drawing session at the NORTH FOURTH ART CENTER in Albuquerque -- forevah -- on November 16th, 2023, as the art center is closing the end of the year. The sessions started on December 2, 2021, and I first drew there on December 9, 2021.  A big thank you to Athan (Tim) Psomas for monitoring the sessions for two years.

something to show for it

At least we had something to show for this era.  I had been bringing the Tortilla Press to the drawing sessions, so that during the model breaks we would make prints.  This cascaded into the BUCKET EXHIBITIONS, and we showed many of those prints at the "Deck The Walls" exhibition at the North Fourth Art Center.   

In fact, we showed 88 prints total -- from Albuquerque, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Texas/elsewhere and Mexico.

showing at the North Fourth Art Center
 in Albuquerque


This seemed to be the month of AI Videos as I discovered new online programs and pushed the AI videos as far as I could:

These are the AI video programs that I used:

I think the YouTube videos probably show off the video AI muscle better than any explanation:

I further altered the PlaiDay video output
with more AI using ModelScope Video2Video

They are now getting closer to making something like a movie with AI:

3D in AI is also making big leaps.  I pushed these three AI 3D programs this month:
  • CSM (image-to-3D on Discord)
  • Genie by Luma Labs (text-to-3D on Discord)
  • MasterpieceX (text-to-3D animation)
    • Note: Latent Labs doesn't seem to work anymore on Discord


2D to 3D: I uploaded one of my better Midjourney 2D images to CSM, and generated a 3D file:

DOWNLOAD: "ropesculpture.GLB" (3.81 MB)

Tim and Adam at Quelab helped me 3D print the above 3D figure, as both a small one inch resin print, and (later) a large 7.5 inch PLA print:


On November 1st, Luma Labs premiered  -- Genie -- the text-to-3D generator on Discord; and I generated a "robot javelina" in Discord:

DOWNLOAD: Javelina_Robot.GLB (4.95 MB)


Later in the month I discovered Masterpiece X, which would not only generate a 3D file from text, but would animate it too:

DOWNLOAD: An_artist_with_a_bad_haircut_1.GLB (18.83 MB)



I revisited Leonardo.AI, mostly because it won't censor my figure drawings (unlike Midjourney);  it also lets me train models from my drawings; and it generates the best AI results in my figure drawing style.  It's still free, though there is a paid plan (which would not accept my VISA gift cards when I last tried it a while back):


Midjourney introduced "Style Tuning," so that one can steer the results more towards a particular style.  But there is nowhere near the control you get when you train a model in Leonardo.AI:


I saw the most impressive physical AI Art show so far, by Jonathan Loth, at the North Fourth Art Center, down the hall from where we were exhibiting our 8x8 inch prints:

Jonathan Loth filled the walls of a whole room


In November a few programs surfaced that would create AI versions of one's drawing -- IN REAL TIME -- for every stylus mark one made on the computer screen -- Latent Consistency Models (LCMs).

I'm hoping that these programs will "correct" my drawings, as I draw the live model in real time.  Finally I might be able to draw!!!

because I can't draw

The Collab LCM program worked, but their model "corrected" my drawings into anime:

I bought a Samsung Galaxy S9+ tablet so that I could draw the model at the figure drawing session, and have the Internet correct my drawing in real time:


It is just hard keeping up with all the new AI ART programs, and I found a few more in the last hours of November, which I listed in the Random AI blog post:


We showed 88 prints -- 8x8 inches -- at the North Fourth Art Center during their final Deck the Walls art show.  Next year in 2024 the art center will be closing.


I spend a lot of time at Quelab hackerspace in Albuquerque.  I aspire to try to use all their tools to make something physical from my drawings.  Adam CNCed one of my drawings into acrylic:



Resin 3D Print

It took two hours to print this inch high 3D figure on the resin printer at Quelab on November 30, 2023:

Inch high resin 3D print

The one inch resin print
on top of the 7.5 inch PLA print

Important DETAILS
  • Clean with 90% isopropyl alcohol
  • General cleaning with Sprayway glass cleaner
  • Clean FEP with microfibers, so as not to scratch it

We probably should have printed with ventilation as the fumes from the resin are probably not good for humans, even though there isn't a hard toxic smell.


I had generated the 3D file in CSM, from one of my AI drawings (based on my drawing style):

DOWNLOAD: "ropesculpture.GLB"  (3.81 MB)

The 3D file was generated from the 2D image below:

I uploaded this 2D image, generated with AI,
to make the 3D image with AI

The actual 3D print was tiny,
one inch high

This tiny print
would easily fit on one of the individual keys
on the keyboard


We printed with a Phrozen Sonic Mini Desktop 3D Printer -- a resin printer -- using LYN Cast DLP 3D Printer Photopolymer Resin that we bought from Amazon -- slicing the 3D file with CHITUBOX:

First cleaning the "FEP
with a microfiber cloth
so as not to scratch it

Our FEP did have some scratches

"Focusing" the resin printer means moving the top down so that you can't move a 3x5 card underneath it:

"Focusing" or leveling the 3D printer
so that a 3x5 card cannot move under the top

Filling the FEP with resin

Sticker on the back of the resin bottle

FEP screwed down

Sliced with CHITUBOX software

I am not entirely sure if the settings below are what we used:

We used the settings
for the Sonic Mini model


Note that the print is on the top
hanging upside down

The print hanging upside down

Clean up tray

Cleaning the print with 90% isopropyl alcohol

Lastly the print has to be cured with UV light:

Curing with UV light
on a turning disk

works well for general cleaning
and is cheaper than 90% isopropyl alcohol


Apparently there are faster resin 3D printers:

PLA 3D Print

UPDATE (December 12, 2023):  Adam made me a 7.5 inch PLA print, of the same 3D figure, on his Bambu 3D printer:

The 7.5 inch PLA print,
next to the one inch resin 3D print

The most amazing thing is that Adam printed remotely, uploading the file on his laptop at Quelab in Albuquerque, and printing the physical piece at his home in Rio Rancho:

The 3D file in the slicer software
on Adam's laptop

The printer's webcam streamed the progress, so that we could watch it printing on Adam's laptop in Albuquerque.  It took several hours to print (but less than 8 hours I believe):

Watching the printing live
from the streaming webcam of the Bambu 3D printer

Video of the progress
of the Bambu 3D printer