Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Monday 11 December 2017

Argos Etching Workshop


Mary Teichman, from Massachusetts, gave a 3 day etching workshop at Argos Gallery in Santa Fe -- Dec 8, 9,10, 2017.

 Examples of her multiple plate colored etchings are here.  She also sells her prints though The Old Print Shop in NYC.

Mary Teichman explaining
the traditional etching processes
on the first night of the workshop

During the workshop, Argos Gallery was wall to wall prints by Dürer , Rembrandt, Goya, Käthe Kollwitz, Hogarth, Felicien Rops, Whistler, Zorn, and many many others.  What better environment to hold a print workshop than that with the great masters!

At the same time, there was the 5th International Juried Print Exhibition at Remarque/New Grounds Print Workshop in Albuquerque.

Mary Teichman and Sarah,


  • Beveling
  • Sealing the back with Contact paper
  • Degreasing
  • Ferric Chloride "acid"
  • De-Solv-It cleaner
  • Soaking the paper

  • By applying the ink from the middle of the plate, and spreading the ink towards the edge, one can make the job less messy.

  • Applying the Charbonnel hard ball ground
  • Smoking the plate
  • BIG grounds (new product)

  • Applying the Martin Weber soft ground in a jar
  • Texture transfer, of leafs, burlap, lace or other thin patterns
  • BIG ground as soft ground

  • Sprinkling the rosin dust on
  • The rosin box 

  • I concede, I am confused about this process  -- however Mary Teichman's detailed explanation should help.

  • 2 colored plates print
  • 4 colored plates print

  • Transferring charcoal drawing onto the BIG ground
  • Transferring graphite pencil drawing onto traditional hard grounds

Jim working hard


Mary Teichman, the instructor,
printed one of her own plates

Workshop participants:



 Mary recommends the movie "Art Bastard" about her friend.

Previous Etching Workshops

1st Non-Toxic workshop at New Grounds with Regina Held, in Albuquerque:

1st Part -- July 19, 2016
2nd Part -- July 21, 2016

2nd Non-Toxic workshop at New Grounds with Pamela Wesolek (August 12 - 13, 2016):

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