Tuesday, 7 January 2025

January 6, 2025

Drawn at Art Buddies in Albuquerque:

DOWNLOAD: 240106__E.SVG (33.14 KB)

I would like to generate AI ART images on our own computer, like we did when Grant's computer was at Quelab since August 2, 2023.  So I have been smack-talking how we should get a cheap RTX video card and plug it into one of the Quelab computers, install PINOKIO, download some AI models from CIVITAI, and see if we can generate some AI ART again.

I expect to fail, however we could get some practice breaking the computer, by uploading the AI software.  Perhaps we could generate some enthusiasm to go forward.

Adam says that I should just work on the cloud, using Lambda.

However now I'm wondering if we should buy one of NVIDIA's cheap new JETSON NANOs instead -- as described in this YouTube video:  NVIDIA Unveils STUNNING Nano Super Computer for Only $249

January 3, 2025

During the downtown ABQ Artwalk (January 3, 2025) we drew at the Safe House Distilling Co. again in Albuquerque -- Ben Harrison organized the event:

January 3, 2025

James Black and crew
were projecting LARGE 

The projections were visible
from almost a block away

In 2007 someone projected my drawings on Central Avenue in Albuquerque:

GEM was showing at the OT Circus

GEM's artwork

not yet open for business

Sunday, 29 December 2024


I made 314 313 blog posts this year,, it was hard just keeping up with 2024:

Towards the end of the year I was going to a figure drawing sessions 5 nights a week: 
We created a collaborative print project -- EXQUISITE TESSELLATION Prints:
I continued my love/hate relationship with FAKE ART -- by "filling the Internet with more Low Effort Nothings" with AI  generated ART, as one YouTube commentor asserted.  I even seconded his observation with an AI song:

of all the VIDEOS I made this year

 Playlists from Previous Years


CLICK ON THE PHOTOS or Links for more in depth information:


We got the free ChatGPT to write programs
next to UNM

our alpha portrait artist Barbara Endicott

Robert generated these songs about me in SUNO:

I went to four presentations at the adjacent UNM ARTS Lab:
Patron Saint of Moving Lines

A moment to praise SAINT BERT -- whom I discovered/generated in July using WEBSIM:

"Saint Bert, born in the early days of the digital age, was renowned for his ability to find harmony and meaning in the chaotic streams of data that flowed through the nascent internet. Legend has it that Bert could visualize the movement of information as intricate patterns of lines, leading him to become a guide for early web developers and digital artists.

It is said that Bert's meditations on the nature of digital motion led to breakthroughs in animation techniques and data visualization. His teachings emphasized the importance of flow, continuity, and the interconnectedness of all digital entities."
"My work explores the relationship between Pre-raphaelite tenets and counter-terrorism. With influences as diverse as Nietzsche and Andy Warhol, new insights are manufactured from both orderly and random narratives.

Ever since I was a postgraduate I have been fascinated by the traditional understanding of meaning. What starts out as contemplation soon becomes manipulated into a hegemony of distress, leaving only a sense of what could have been and the possibility of a new understanding.

As intermittent phenomena become reconfigured through frantic and diverse practice, the viewer is left with a testament to the outposts of our culture."
  • I should ask the Oracle what is going to happen next year -- by calling (for free1-800-CHATGPT