Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 31 July 2024


The EXQUISITE TESSELLATION PRINT project picked up more steam in July.  However as always, figure drawing was the most important pursuit. And the huge leap in AI was with the ability to write my own AI Art programs with websim.ai -- leading to the revelation of ST BERT!

on 4th Street, a block south of Central



In order to generate more interest in the EXQUISITE TESSELLATION PRINT project, we printed on site in Albuquerque and El Paso.  I also exhibited two prints in Albuquerque:


Ellie printed during the FUSION drawing session of July 10, 2024 -- with "hat" tiles from the artists that were at that particular drawing session (except Mark Woody):

Ellie inking up in the back
of the FUSION drawing theatre/studio

Ellie printing in the drawing studio at FUSION

One of the final prints,
made from tiles of artists that attend the FUSION drawing sessions

We received three tessellation tiles


I brought the "hat" tiles with me to El Paso, where Manuel Guerra pulled five tessellation prints on the press at UTEP on July 15, 2024.  The focus was to print with the four "hat" tessellation tiles made in El Paso:

Manuel Guerra inking the "hat" tiles

One of the five tessellation prints
made in El Paso

I left some stacks of laser cut "hat" linoleum tiles, which Manny was going to send to Oaxaca and Guadalajara.

Virgil gave this two color print on July 23, 2024 for BUCKET EXHIBITIONS:

Virgil Velasco's two color print


My prints were showing in two different exhibitions in Albuquerque in the month of July:

The print below was part of the NM Veteran's Independence Day Art Show, July 5 to 31, 2024: 

This five person collaboration print was part of the BODY LANGUAGE exhibition at the New Mexico Art League, July 13th to August 17th, 2024:

In addition, I went to Julianna Kirwin's talk on July 7, 2024 for her July print show at Hecho A Mano gallery in Santa Fe:

I stopped in Roswell on my way home from El Paso, to check out the Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art on July 18, 2024:

Luis Jimenez sculptures

Finally there is a great exhibition at the Albuquerque Museum -- Making American Artists: Stories from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1776-1976:


It looks like the direction that AI ART is going is to write your own program -- which websim allowed me to do:

The LIVE PORTRAIT demo animated my portrait drawings

I used Midjourney to generated a lot of "street taco-sized" linoleum discs to print on the Tortilla Press, looking forward to printing them during The PRINTERS PLANET market in Santa Fe on August 11, 2024.

I added the following suffix to the Midjourney prompt:
...in the style of ____ as a black and white linocut in a circle --sref https://s.mj.run/EKis1y33_g8"

I mixed my drawing with the rhino result in Midjourney to get the image below:

Adric gave me a holographic fan, which I intend to use to display the AI generated round images, those that I will also laser cut into linoleum:

Adric also 3D scanned Robert's inside-out stuffed dinosaur with Scaniverse.  I then turned this 3D image into a WebAR dino that can be viewed in real space with a smartphone:

Generated by websim:

Saint Bert, born in the early days of the digital age, was renowned for his ability to find harmony and meaning in the chaotic streams of data that flowed through the nascent internet. Legend has it that Bert could visualize the movement of information as intricate patterns of lines, leading him to become a guide for early web developers and digital artists.

It is said that Bert's meditations on the nature of digital motion led to breakthroughs in animation techniques and data visualization. His teachings emphasized the importance of flow, continuity, and the interconnectedness of all digital entities.

The rage seems to be over the Chinese AI Video program "Kling" this month, though it seems to still be a nosebleed to try it.


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