Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Leonardo.AI revisited

I revisited Leonardo.AI and really like what they are generating from my drawings with their "Alchemy" magic (and my model "KRRRL Long Drawings 07"):

prompt: "Sculpture of a woman sitting on the floor
in the style of Bernini"

I believe that my drawing has a lot of influence on the final result -- when using one of my "models" in Leonardo.AI -- even though it looks very different from the pose and original drawing that I uploaded...although maybe I'm deluded over how much influence I have over the AI...

Further animated with AI with PIKA LABS on Discord

View AI animation in higher resolution

(with "KRRRL Long Drawings 07")

I only get a few Leonardo.AI "ALCHEMY" tries per day with my free membership, however just my model "KRRRL Long Drawings 07" still works pretty well by itself.  Note how it transformed one of my sketchy tablet drawings (left below) into a somewhat decent fake figure drawing in my style (right below):

Made with model "KRRRL Long Drawings 07" --
prompt: "Sculpture of a woman sitting on the floor
in the style of Bernini"

First variation,
using the model "KRRRL Long Drawings 07"

Second variation,
using the model "KRRRL Long Drawings 07"

New Model

On November 26, 2023 I made a new model in Leonardo.AI, based on 40 of my best drawings from 2023 -- it's called "2023Drawings":

Leonardo.AI created a new model,
based on 40 of my best drawings from 2023 --

However this model, made of of the best short drawings of 2023 (model "2023Drawings"), does not generate the same quality results as when I use the model based on my long drawings (model "KRRRL Long Drawings 07") in Leonardo.AI:

My tablet sketch
altered in Leonardo.AI with my new model
based on my best short drawings of 2023

First variation with ALCHEMY,
not that good

Second variation with ALCHEMY,
not that good
Garbage in, garbage out



Again, I really like how Leonardo.AI transforms my drawings with their "ALCHEMY" option (when I use the model "KRRRL Long Drawings 07"), especially when I add Bernini to the prompt:

prompt: "Sculpture of a woman sitting on the floor
in the style of Bernini"

I uploaded this drawing below (I believe) to generate the image above:

The initial drawing I uploaded to Leonardo.AI
to generate the image above

I uploaded the AI sculptural image above to CSM, which is an AI image-to-3D program in Discord:

The first phase in CSM
of transforming an image into a 3D object

The 3D result
is lacking "texture"


Earlier this year I improved a lot of my drawings with Leonardo.AI, making these blog posts:


The ultimate would be to have AI alter my figure drawings in REAL TIME, as I am drawing the live model.  

I can do this right now with LCM (Latent Consistency Models) -- such as in a demo on Hugging Face (realtime-stable-diffusion); or with a more sophisticated Collab program -- lcm_sdhk_controlnet_scribble_draw_colab.ipynb.

(unfortunately in an anime style)

Moreover Krea.AI already will do that -- alter drawings in RealTime -- for those that graduate from their "waiting list."

This is why I bought a Galaxy  S9+ Tablet -- so that I can draw the live model with a stylus on the tablet in my lap, and eventually have Krea.AI correct my lines in RealTime:

Ideally AI would correct my drawings, in RealTime, IN MY STYLE -- something like what Leonardo.AI does with ALCHEMY.  Somehow Krea.AI would have to reference a model based on my drawings, to correct my drawings in RealTime.  And if that is a nosebleed right now, it won't be next year.



This is all so painful, albeit exciting, right now.  However when they smooth out the process, and correct EVERYONE's drawings in real time, I might not be so innovative.

Furthermore everyone will also have instant access to converting their AI drawings into AI sculptures and AI animations.  How unique will art be then?

The real challenge will be exerting an artist's unique influence over the AI tools, and creating/generating something unique.  Perhaps the key here is creating personal AI ART models -- whereas most of the AI models on Civitai seem to be very similar in style, often converging on anime.

I mean after all -- STYLE is CONTENT:

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