Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Monday 26 June 2023

June 22, 2023

Drawn live at North Fourth Art Center in Albuquerque:


We printed linocut discs on a REAL TORTILLA Press to proof them for BOTH the PRINTERS PLANET POP-UP market in Santa Fe on June 24th, and the PRINT OFF in Guadalajara on July 8th:

The same round 4 inch diameter linocuts will be going to Guadalajara:

I was more involved with printmaking than drawing that night:

inking and printing of of his round linocut discs

Hand carved linocut disc

The REAL TORTILLA PRESS worked once we put a yoga mat (cut in a circle) under the linocut, and a folded piece of tracing paper to keep the yoga mat from getting ink on it:


second print

Ellie Weadock 
did most of the printing on the tortilla press

Ellie Weadock's print
from her hand carved linocut disc

We laser engraved an image from Guadalajara
by Alejandra Mares 

Print by Alejandra Mares
of Guadalajara

AI print by KRRRL,
laser engraved into a linocut disc

AI print by KRRRL,
laser engraved into a linocut disc

AI print by KRRRL,
laser engraved into a linocut disc

AI print by KRRRL,
laser engraved into a linocut disc

Variations from the linocut disc
hand carved by Virgil Velasco

More round linocut discs
4 inch diameter
laser engraved from images 
generated in AI in Krrrl's style

We also made nice prints with STAMPING FOAM, which Adric brought to Quelab

worked really well
from a linocut

After heating the stamp foam,
we clamped it to the linocut
to hold the pressure until it cooled

The linocut was first laser engraved with a lot of fine dot texture, which translated well to the STAMP FOAM. Moreover the STAMP FOAM probably printed better as it is soft, than the same image would have printed directly from the linocut.

One can buy these STAMP FOAM Pads from Amazon or Walmart.

NOTE:  The linocut image was laser engraved directly from an AI image generated in Midjourney.  This opens a whole new sophisticated way to print AI Art!!!

Also note that the STAMP FOAM can be reheated and used again, to print a different image.

Next we tried printing with a stamp pad, and the red ink did not work too well.  However I believe that an ink pad of a darker color would work:

A darker printing pad would probably work better
and eliminate getting your hands dirty
with real ink


We also laser engraved a linocut disc with a QR code:

The printed QR code worked, and takes people to a WebAR link -- https://staynalive.net/ar/210223.html -- which conjures up one of my 3D drawings in real space:

This printed QR code
that brings up 
one of my 3D drawings
on their smart phone

It takes a while to work.  First the smart phone has to scan the space, so that it knows how to insert a 3D object.  

However then one can place the 3D object anywhere, and take pictures as if it were in the real space:

Photo with an AR object
while we were still printing

Showing off my tiny AI printed image
behind the big AR drawing,
while Henry Morales focuses on printing

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