Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 21 June 2023

June 20, 2023

We drew and printed at Sir Henry Morales' studio in Albuquerque:


I drew the model on an expanded PVC foam square, and noted that it erased very nicely:

Someone brought in a tiny screwdriver kit, with many different tips. Perhaps these different tips can be used to draw into expanded PVC foam, to make a lot of different kinds of lines:

A small screwdriver set
with many different tips

Linocut Discs

After the drawing session we printed linocut discs on the adjustable Tortilla Press:

The prints we made
from 4 inch linocut discs

We started by printing one of Virgil Velasco's linocuts discs:

Virgil Velasco
hand carved a linocut disc
of a 4 inch diameter

The 4 inch diameter linocut disc
fit nicely on the Tortilla Press

Two variations
of Virgil's prints

We also laser engraved one of Xavier Moreno's images, which he sent me in email from Guadalajara:

Xavier Moreno's print came out nicely

I laser engraved one of the images I generated with Leonardo.AI based on my drawing style:

This print came out decently

The original source AI image:

This image below generated in Leonardo.AI did not print out so well:

This print did not come out so well,
as the image was not crisp enough

The original source AI image:

This AI Art image I generated with Midjourney and laser engraved into a linoleum disc, came out somewhat decently:

This print came out alright,
the best of three different versions

However I laser engraved two other versions of the same image, and they did not print out so well:

The first two versions of the laser engraved AI Art image
did not print so well

The original source AI image:

UPDATE (June 21):  Ellie Weadock carved and proofed two round linocuts.  She sent these images to me in email:
Ellie Weadock

Ellie Weadock

The street taco sized linocut discs are for a big "Print Off" in Guadalajara next month.  However I intend to also print them in Santa Fe next Saturday:


This cage folds flat to fit in my car, and unfolds large enough to hang 8 prints on a side:

The Cage Display

The cage needs to fit on a table that is 27 inches deep:

The cage is 27 inches deep

The cage display is over 36 inches high

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