Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Sunday 14 May 2023


2D to 3D with AI


Matt Wolfe's YouTube video also noted that OPEN AI rolled out Shap-E on Friday, May 12, 2023 -- and that Hugging Face had an online Shap-E program to make 3D objects with AI.  So I tried it:

DOWNLOAD: my generated GLB file (5 MB) that came from Shap-E



1)  I manipulated one of my figure drawings with AI in Midjourney; an image which I had drawn in Paint 3D two years ago on April 27, 2021:

I uploaded the 2D image below (which actually came from a 3D drawing) into Midjourney:

2)  I ran the above image in Midjourney through several generated iterations, taking a CONVOLUTED AI approach to get something more interesting:

First I BLENDED the above image with an AI image Robert Atkinson generated -- Top row below.  That BLEND generated two AI images -- Bottom row below:

The top two images blended in Midjourney
to generate two AI results in the bottom row

Then I uploaded the last above AI image (lower right) and used the Midjourney prompt: "in the style of Hans Bellmer," to get the tan AI image on the right below:

Midjourney prompt: "in the style of Hans Bellmer"

Continuing, I then BLENDED the original image with the "Hans Bellmer" result, to get the 3D-like image on the far right below:

Finally I BLENDED the other earlier AI generation with the resulting 3D-like image on the right above, to get the image on the far right below:

The first two images BLENDED in Midjourney
to get the final convoluted AI image to the right

3)  I uploaded the final 2D AI image below to Shap-E to make a 3D figure, and downloaded the GLB file:

The convoluted AI result in 2D,
after multiple AI generations in Midjourney --
which I then used to make a 3D file (GLB format)

The Shap-E interface on Hugging Face:

I uploaded the convoluted AI image to Shap-E
and generated a 3D GLB file

One can download the AI 3D file I generated in a GLB format:

DOWNLOAD: 230509__tmp_gradio_ebf21daf42243a8 ... d45d5dd500ca3c1889_tmpb3eu_gpp.glb (5 MB)


Going one step further, I decided to apply a green "texture" to my 3D file:

 Leonardo.AI will apply a texture to an OBJ file using a mere text prompt --  I typed in "green algae covering the shapes."  However first I had to convert the GLB file to an OBJ file in Blender, before uploading the OBJ file to Leonardo.AI.

One can download the files I created in Leonardo.AI, which oddly is somewhat transparent, though it's not that impressive:

The downloadable Zip file above contains: an OBJ file and four texture files (3 JPGS and one 

However the only way I can figure out how to condense everything into one GLB file is to upload the ZIP file to SketchFab, and then download the GLB file from SketchFab


I uploaded the Zip file to SketchFab (this green algae "textured" file does not look as solid as the initial GLB file from Shap-E):

Shap-E with Green Algae by krrrl on Sketchfab

The GLB file that I downloaded from SketchFab looks a little better after I uploaded it to Blender:


The GLB file with green algae texture
looks best in Blender

Ultimately I created no masterpiece -- but I did successfully push the 3D AI as far as I could.


I want to create 3D AR experiences with our 8x8 inch prints -- similar to what we did with three Desert Triangle prints.

I want to generate 3D images to use in AR -- Augmented Reality.  Ideally the small print would act as a "target" when a viewer passed his phone over it (as if it were a QR code) and then Augmented Reality would conjure up a 3D image that would float over and interact with that print.  The ultimate goal is to use Web AR, so that the viewer does not have to download an app to see the 3D AR image (can I do this with 8th Wall?)

My ambition is to enhance some of our BUCKET PRINTS with 3D Augmented Reality images -- and then have a pop-up BUCKET EXHIBITION of ten enhanced linocuts, with ten different 3D AR images floating over them.  

It would be even more 21st Century if both the 8x8 inch linocut prints and the 3D AR images were generated with AI.


What if this whole AR Print fantasy could be streamlined in real time?   One would hold their smart phone over the framed 8x8 inch print, and the phone would take a picture of it automatically, like it were reading a QR code.  That image would then be sent to the cloud, where Shap-E would automatically generate a 3D image. Then that generated 3D AI image would then be projected over that same print in Augmented Reality, practically in real time, adding a 3D element to a 2D print.

Moreover the smart phone could deliver an older 3D AR image immediately (perhaps generated by the previous viewer), while the new 3D AI AR image was being generated.

One might even use Siri, or another voice command assistant, to influence the 3D image that Shap-E generated.

Are there not already AI programs that combine other AI programs to deliver a more robust experience?



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