Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Thursday 30 March 2023

March 2023 Review

AI ART was still racing at a fast pace in March 2023 -- YouTube: AI is Evolving Faster Than You Think [GPT-4 and beyond]:

AI ART Developments
  • March 13, 2023I noted that Leonardo.AI had updated their program on March 9th, which hurt my results.  I could no longer choose "Prompt Magic" after uploading one of my drawings to "Image to Image."  Previously the "Prompt Magic" option generated better results (also giving me more control)
  • March 16, 2023ChatGPT4 debuted on March 14th, and Midjourney upgraded to Version 5
  • El Paso Museum of History...and...:  On March 18th Leonardo.AI added paid services. On March 23rd Mage.Space added Text2GIF, allowing paid users to create short animated GIFs using only text prompts in AI.  On March 24th Mage.Space got kicked off of their Discord server
  • On March 21 Adobe released Firefly, their AI Art program
  • On March 27th RunwayML opened their AI video program -- GEN-1 -- including limited free minutes to everyone.  I made the video below with RunwayML GEN-1:

How I created the AI video above:
  • I first generated an image in Leonardo.AI, in the style of Mucha using a model based on my drawings (see the portrait below)
  • In Mage.space I generated a few animated GIFs with their new Txt2GIF feature
  • I converted the animated GIF into an MP4 video using EzGif
  • Using the new GEN-1 feature in RunwayML with the new GEN-1 feature, I transferred the style of the Leonardo.AI image onto the Mage.Space videos


Generated in Leonardo.AI from a model based on my drawings -- "Krrrl01" -- in the styles of Mucha and Hans Bellmer:

Created in Leonardo.AI
keyed on my drawings and Mucha's style,
and generated with a model based on my drawings - Krrrl01

I established a proof-of-concept for combining AI Art with Printmaking -- streamlining the whole process, from stick figure to linocut print:

This print started as a stick figure

A different AI print based on my drawing style,
laser engraved into linoleum and printed

We made some jig-saw prints at Henry Morales' studio -- half Henry Morales, half Virgil Velasco and half Cody Kamrowski.  This is because I had a stack of two linoleum squares cut in two like puzzle pieces, and handed out the pieces to the artists:

I then had a stack of three linoleum squares jig-saw cut in the shape of the Rio Grande, where it separates Texas from Mexico.  I gave this stack to Manuel Guerra in El Paso, hoping that he would hand out the lower three halves to artists in Juarez, and the upper three halves to artists in El Paso:


We have been printmaking, mostly with our feet, during the model breaks (and sometimes into the poses), at the North Fourth Art Center in Albuquerque, during the Thursday night drawing sessions.  Ellie Weadock has stepped up and pushed our printmaking to new heights:

Ellie printing with her feet

Ellie tried a figurative collagraph at home that night (March 16th) --
The inked plate on the left,
and the print on the right

I was in El Paso and missed two drawing sessions, March 23rd and March 30th.  However Ellie brought printmaking material to the North Fourth Art Center drawing sessions and continued printing:

On March 23rd, 2023:

We had previously laser engraved Athan Psomas' image into linoleum and printed it as a relief print.  However I believe they were trying to print it as an intaglio print:

It looks like Athan Psomas' intaglio print came out weak...

On March 30th, 2023:

Zoe printing with her feet


I am liking drawing/gouging into Expanded PVC Foam because I can get a variety of lines and marks:

On the First Friday Art Walk in downtown Albuquerque there was an exhibition of the New Mexico Scholastic High School artists, which included work from El Paso.  Diane Vera of El Paso (and Ambos Lados) is mentioned as the teacher of the student who created this print below:

Pete McCracken is now running the Palace Press, at the Palace of the Governors in Santa Fe:

is now running the Palace Press
in Santa Fe

peddling his printing press
in Patzcuaro, Mexico

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