Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Sunday 18 September 2022

Spatial 3D Maya Gallery online


I created a 3D online gallery of my MAYA figures and some 3D sculptures, using Spatial.io:

YouTube video tours of the virtual gallery space:

 On September 19th I added some moving elements:

Spatial.io was free, though there are paid versions as well

QR Code
for getting directly into my Spatial online gallery


Maya AI

2D figures in frames are taken from these blog posts:

3D Drawings/Scuptures

3D figures in the Spatial Gallery are taken from these blog posts:

Frustrated drawing in animated GIF

Uploaded VIDEOS

Spatial allows one to also upload videos into their online gallery:



Other people are having different experiences when visiting my gallery.  Some browsers don't work with Spatial, other visitors don't have a powerful enough graphics card.  Apparently the bandwidth is thinner making the 3D experience in low resolution.  My gallery looks terrible in low rez.  Also apparently one can view it in the Oculus VR headset, or on their smartphone, but they have to download an app.

My online 3D gallery looks terrible
in low rez

For fun I altered the entrance snapshot with AI using DALL-E 2 Outpainting:

Prompt:  "Museum entrance"

Last year I  also created a 3D gallery on CryptoVoxels of my collaborative AI art creations:

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