Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 17 September 2022

Printmaking -- Second Wind

I got a big second wind for prints after the printmaking enthusiasm during the drawing session on September 15th at the North Fourth Art Center:


Henry Morales carved a portrait of the model in linoleum, and we printed it before the session was over:

The linocut portrait of the model
before printing
that Henry Morales cut during the drawing session
and printed before the session was over!

Before he left, we gave Nicholas Tesluk a print to take home.  He modeled for us that night. He is our celebrity model as he worked as a stand in for Walter White in Breaking BadThat's almost better than drawing Iggy Pop!

We relished two huge print innovations that night to make prints a lot quicker-- Henry Morales' heavy letterpress press, and "Expanded PVC foam" plates from Port Plastics.  The letterpress gave us better prints, and made them a lot faster than the Tortilla Press.  The PVC foam let Henry abandon the knives and "carve" into the plate using only a ball point pen.  

Henry drew another portrait on "Expanded PVC foam" with only a ball point pen.  We also printed that before the drawing session ended:

The "Expanded PVC" plate that Henry Morales drew on
using only a ball point pen --
he tinted it black, 
but it would have been easier to draw into a white PVC plate

Henry's industrial letterpress press made better prints, a lot more quickly, than using the mighty Tortilla Press:

Using the industrial letterpress
was as easy as using a credit card machine

In the future I would like to get a more heavy duty press, like an A4 Woodzilla (printing area 8.5 x 11.7 inches), or even make our own -- DIY Letterpress Proofing Press/Etching Press.

Moreover we can have printmaking PVC workshops, where people draw into the 6x6 inch "Expanded PVC foam" with only a ball point pen, and we print from those plates on a letterpress.  It's getting harder to find the 8x8 inch frames at Walmart, but they can be ordered on Amazon, and I also found them at Michaels' for three times the cost.

The idea is to make printmaking even more Quick and Portable!


Cody Kamrowski is tearing it up, by carving and printing with a spoon at home:

Cody signing his latest 8x8 inch print


We made two fake prints on the letterpress during the September 15th drawing session -- these are images created in Midjourney by AI (artificial intelligence):

I made a print and a video with the AI creation below:

No human directly involved,
image created with AI 
and laser engraved into linoleum

"Windows BMP" file imported 
into the laser cutter

Midjourney gave me four variations and I chose to make a linocut print from the last one:

We also printed an AI portrait laser engraved in linoleum:

Midjourney prompt:
"Linocut of artist"

I laser engraved the fourth and last result with the laser cutter at Quelab.  Note the horizontal lines outside the portrait -- which were not in the file I sent to the laser cutter.  Some of the lines printed, giving an effect that we liked, maybe because these artifacts made the print look less AI and more "handmade":

Maybe there was a "scan gap" value
that added the horizontal lines
to the laser engraved linocut

The original file 
did not have these horizontal lines

Later I created an AI hand, continuing my Maya blog post series -- Maya StyleMore Maya, Maya Abstract:

Laser engraved Mayan hand
into a linoleum

Second variations of the Midjourney prompt:
"Mayan glyphs of a hand in coloring book style"

The cleaned up image
preparing for the laser cutter


Rich wanted to print his linocut on a t-shirt, so he brought in some red fabric printing ink:

Henry, Rich and Rich's wife
printing a t-shirt for his grandson

The first print on a t-shirt
of a dinosaur head

Hand printing on a t-shirt
using an Iron Frog baren,
worked just fine

Next time we will try the Skateboard Press:

I noticed that Rich brought in the Speedball TISSU Fabric printing ink, which apparently is an oil based ink that can be cleaned up with soap and water.  The oil based ink would not dry immediately on the printing block, which is HUGE!

Speedball TISSU Fabric ink
is oil based
but water washable

There was a stiff sheet of plastic inside the shirt
(though cardboard works too)

The final red dinosaur linocut print
on a child's t-shirt

Rich printed another image
on a t-shirt

We are about to do some silk screening at Quelab, and I would like to also do some silk screening during the drawing sessions at North Fourth Art Center as well.


The printmaking  giants --
Henry Morales and Cody Kamrowski,
carry Henry's press out to his car

The next day (September 16), Mexican Independence Day, Henry and I went to Santa Fe:

Henry Morales cutting 
at fashionable Iconik Coffee on Lena Street
in Santa Fe

Henry carved on my bad figure
while in Santa Fe
improving the image immensely

Altered by AI

Gauguin like collaboration?

We went to the Thoma Foundation Art Vault in Santa Fe and were mesmerized by their digital art installations (like the AES+F – INVERSO MUNDUS cat):

Henry Morales at the Art Vault in Santa Fe
experiencing the art camera installation by

Henry Morales became part of

Henry Morales walking into the Gerald Peters Gallery

I'm headed to the Southwest Print Fiesta in Silver City on October 7-10th, 2022.

Plus there is Print Santa Fe coming in April 2023.

The print adventure continues...

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