Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Thursday 30 September 2021

September 21, 2021

The Tuesday Night drawing group of Santa Fe drew together online using Zoom, because of the Covid 19 quarantine.

Style transferred from a drawing
previously converted into the style of an Aubrey Beardsley 

The above figure was converted into the watercolor-like image below using the VQGAN+CLIP text-to-image program, entering "Sitting woman figure."  Of course the result looks nothing like my drawing.

Style twice removed from Aubrey Beardsley

Me and Mondrian

This drawing below is rather vague and sketchy, but I can still feel the weight and attitude of the model.  As an afterthought I felt it was blocky, and reminiscent of Mondrian.  So I used two text-to-image programs to add some Mondrian:

This blocky sketch
reminded me of Piet Mondrian

A)  In AI Art Machine I entered "In the style of Mondrian" and used the URL of the above image as the "style_URL."  Then I took the last image result and applied that fake Mondrian style to the original drawing using Deep Dream Generator.

p:  "In the style of Mondrian" -- middle image;
then I applied the Mondrian style to my original drawing

The final result after the two step process:

B)  I wondered how another text-to-image program would handle the input "In the style of Mondrian," and VQGAN+CLIP created something entirely different:

C)  So I decided to combine the results by applying the style of "B" to the first image "A," in Deep Dream Generator, and got the best Mondrian result:

I applied the style of the middle image
to the first image
and the resulting last image
was the best Mondrian expression

Best Mondrian result


I am trying to carve a relief print of the last pose of the session:

Before I finished carving I ran the above image through a VQGAN+CLIP text-to-image program, using the text "Print in the style of Mexican printmakers."


Erin Currier had an opening at the Blue Rain Gallery on September 10, 2021:

Holly Grimm directed me to an upscale resolution Colab program online -- Real-ESRGAN Inference Demo(--face_enhance)

AI Art Machine (another text-to-image Colab online

Charles Townley came to Albuquerque to buy three Desert Triangle prints -- by Zeke Peña, Mykl Wells and Tanya Rich.

Victor and Charles Townley
at VM Coffee in Albuquerque
September 27, 2021

He also told me about a new book from Duke University -- Chicano and Chicana Art.

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