Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Thursday 30 September 2021

September 28, 2021

The Tuesday Night drawing group of Santa Fe drew together online using Zoom, because of the Covid 19 quarantine.  The model was from the Washington DC area.

Evolution of the process --
scanned pencil line drawing,
Petalica Paint coloring,
style transfer in Deep Dream Generator

The VQGAN programs all started with this first image,
but none produced anything I liked after that


UPDATE: (October 6):  Adric brought a hologram display unit to Quelab makerspace last night -- the LOOKING GLASS FACTORY Portrait HOLOGRAM display -- and we tried to upload some of my artwork to it, to see my art in holographic 3D.  The company said that this unit would accept 3D GLB files;  however it looks like one needs to convert those files using the Looking Glass Factory software, and that did not work for us (yet).

We did manage to upload my portrait drawing as a JPG, and view it in holographic 3D.  The face broke up into 3D pieces -- that is, the hologram display did not show the face as a coherent unit -- however this fragmented artifact effect is more interesting, and more what I aim to express.

My portrait drawing viewed in 
this photo does not show the effect
of the individual pieces in 3D

The treatment in Photoshop Elements 2021 (Enhance/Moving Photos.../Counterclockwise) gives the more coherent 3D effect which I expected to see in the hologram display:  

A more coherent 3D effect
created in Photoshop Elements 2021

Again, the exploded 3D pieces in the face are more interesting, and more in sync with how I created the portrait.  I explicitly applied the "style" of a 3D fragmented figure (below) in Deep Dream Generator, to give volume to my line drawing.  I created the "style" figure image in Paint 3D:

I applied the 3D "style" of this January drawing
created in Paint 3D,
to my portrait line drawing,
in Deep Dream Generator

I mentioned the Looking Glass Factory hologram display back in February, back when Adric told me that he had ordered it on Kickstarter.  I think it cost him a bit less than the $299 that they are asking for now

UPDATE (Oct 27):  I converted the portrait into a 3d file on 3D This.

More CLOUD People

Evolution of the process

Evolution of the process

Evolution of the process

John Tollett's drawings from the same session

Southwest Print Fiesta
Print Exchange

I finished my edition of 45 prints on the tortilla press, for the Southwest Print Fiesta Print Exchange 2021.  The image was from a figure drawing I did on August 31st, 2021. While I did "overnight" it late, it did not make it right away, and barely got to Silver City on time.

The collaborative print from Tres Gatos Press from Guadalajara in the Southwest Print Fiesta Print Exchange 2021.


Santiago Perez has a great show at the Tortuga Gallery in Albuquerque -- Santiago's Flying Circus presents the Big Head show.  The opening was on Friday, October 1st, 2021.

at his opening in the Tortuga Gallery

This year the balloons all flew over my house at about 8 AM, Monday morning, October 4th.  This is part of the annual Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta.

The red white and blue balloon
would fly directly over my house

Wallkanda  -- street art website

Artist Jens Haaning delivered two blank canvases instead of his commission, after the Kunsten Museum of Modern Art in Denmark fronted him $84,000.  He entitled the new work "Take the Money and Run."

Maybe this is the NFT version of "Take the Money and Run," as it is zero pixels.

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