Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 8 September 2021

September 7, 2021 -- Spatial

The Tuesday Night drawing group of Santa Fe drew together online using Zoom, because of the Covid 19 quarantine. The model was from the Washington DC area.

I used the following programs to make the video above:

Plus I used other online art programs to generate images in this blog post:


I referenced famous sculptors with AI in order to ultimately create spaces that I could imagine walking into.

Base pencil drawing "initial_image" input
to generate the shallow spaces pictured below

I altered the above drawing several time in the "text-to-image" program VQGAN+CLIP, changing the input prompts:

YANDEX and Google similar visual images

YANDEX and Google visually similar images

Different programs, very different results

I used the SAME TEXT -- "A Giacometti figure walking into infinite space" -- in Abraham.ai, a kind of crowdsourcing "text-to-image" generator, but the result came out very differently:

YANDEX and Google visually similar images
"A Giacometti figure walking into infinite space"

I continued to use the SAME TEXT in a different  "text-to-image" VQGAN program -- AI Art Machine:

YANDEX and Google visually similar images
Same prompt "p":  "A Giacometti figure walking into infinite space"

Note:  Neither of the above two different VQGAN programs allowed me to input an initial image -- both of them were completely "text-to-image."

I then combined TWO of my drawings and the final result was better (note that this source image is a square, the dimension that the VQGAN program uses):

Base "initial_image" input
to generate the spaces pictured below

YANDEX and Google visually similar images
Englarge (1792 x 1792, 4.33 MB):  Giacometti_less.png

YANDEX and Google visually similar spaces
prompts:  "People occupying a Henry Moore space"

YANDEX and Google visually similar images
prompts:  "People occupying a Piranesi space"

Deep Dream Generator

I transferred the style of an image I created earlier this year in Paint 3D to some of my figure drawings using DEEP DREAM GENERATOR:

The style of this image (made in Paint 3D)
transferred well to the
six different figures below

YANDEX and Google visually similar images

I took some advice from Steve's Makerspace YouTube, and made sure that both the style image and the target image had black backgrounds.

I inverted the drawing 
to make the background dark 
before importing it into Deep Dream Generator

YANDEX and Google visually similar images

YANDEX and Google visually similar images

YANDEX and Google visually similar images


I used AI (artificial intelligence) again to alter my portrait drawing:

Scanned raw pencil drawing
and base "initial_image" input
for the images below

Altered in VQGAN+CLIP:

YANDEX and Google visually similar images

Then I imported the above portrait into Artbreeder:

YANDEX and Google visually similar images

Paint by Numbers

If I simplify this result above, I might be able to make a serigraphy edition of the AI artwork.  I used three Paint by Numbers programs to reduce the AI portrait into 4 colors:

YANDEX and Google visually similar images


YANDEX and Google visually similar images

16 colors

4 colors

CLIP Guided Diffusion HQ

There seems to be many  "text-to-image" variations on the "VQGAN approach.  The CLIP Guided Diffusion HQ is posted on Hugging Face.

I uploaded both the "initial image" and "image prompt" -- the top two images in the collage below -- to the program on Hugging Face, and typed in the text "Walking through the street aimlessly," to get the resulting ambiguous image on the bottom:

Video --


I drew the last post on a 7 x 7 inch square of expanded PVC, and cut and printed the plate immediately after the drawing session, on the Tortilla Press.

AI variation


Ethan Moses brought his homemade camera/dark room to Quelab on September 8th, to take and develop photographs.  The ingenious system worked quite well, and Ethan took flattering photos of everyone.

Ethan Moses taking my photo

I'm developing the  photo
inside the box

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