Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Tuesday 8 September 2020


The Drawingbots tools website points to a lot of online software that can alter one's drawings, although they are geared towards making simple line drawings with plotter art.  It is maintained by Maks Surguy.

Heavily manipulated
after using Plotter Fun

I tested all these online software programs with the fake drawing below, which was created in the StyleGAN2 program nested in the Runway ML website.

Plotter Fun by Mitxela is the most robust of all the tools.  It allows one to import an image, and then interpret it in a variety of different textures.  One can download the results as SVG files.


Squiggle Cam by Maks Surguy allows one to upload an image, and interpret it through squiggle lines, the way the old cathode ray TVs did in the 20th century.

Spiral Raster Script by Yaroslav Tabachkovsky accepts uploaded images, and imposes a fine black and white line pattern on them.


Turtle Toy  is an online code based environment that allows one to create simple generative artwork, and download it as a PNG file. 

I like varying the pattern in the Hexagon Truchet window, by reinder.

I did some extra editing
to impose the hexagon patter
on my fake drawing



I found these drawingbot programs while Googling for a large collection of drawings, a drawing dataset large enough to feed into StyleGAN2 in Runway ML to make a model, and spawn more fake drawings.  I wanted to see if anyone has made a drawing model in AI like I did.  That's when I discovered that Google collected millions of simple contour drawings to make the AI program QuickDraw.

Plus I noticed that researchers had crowd sourced a large set of simple contour drawings using the Mechanical Turk.  One can glimpse into that large drawing dataset here.

I also discovered that Helena Sarin had made an sngan model with her drawings.

Cartoonify uses the Quickdraw drawing dataset to translate images into simple kid drawings.

My drawing Cartoonified

I ran the above result from Cartoonify into Plotter Fun, to see how far I can push it:


This Waifu Does Not Exist generates new anime portraits of females with AI.


This Fursona Does Not Exist uses AI to generate portraits of fake Fursonas (which are probably fake to begin with), and has to be a follow up to the Waifu generator above.

This Person Does Not Exist is surely the original website of the series.


Getting even crazier --

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