Thursday 12 September 2024

Oaxaca Print Reception -- and Henry Morales' print workshop

On Saturday, September 7th, 2024 there were two big PRINT happenings:


Pavel Acevedo is coming at the end of month to give five printmaking workshops as part of the Oaxaca exhibit at the Maxwell Museum -- September 30 to October 5th, 2024.

Then Pavel and Daniel Gonzalez will return to New Mexico quickly for their Southwest Print Tour -- Sendero Grafico -- October 11th to 15th, 2024.  They will be selling prints at the Southwest Print Fiesta in Silver City, New Mexico on October 12th:

Interview with Pavel Acevedo two years ago:

  • Also later at night the Swat Team helicopter hoovered over my house
  • My laptop was unable to boot since Thursday night...and I had it fixed on Tuesday

Sunday 8 September 2024

September 6, 2024

During the downtown ABQ Artwalk (September 6, 2024) we drew at the Safe House Distilling Co. again in Albuquerque -- Ben Harrison organized the event:


Thursday 5 September 2024

Tessellation Printing at Argos in Santa Fe

I drove up to Santa Fe to make tessellation prints during the figure drawing session of the Tuesday Night Drawing group on September 3, 2024:

John Tollett filmed the printmaking
with a drone

That same day, September 3rd, the Oaxaca wheat-paste print show opened up at the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology on the UNM campus -- "Oaxaca Ingobernable: Aesthetics, Politics, and Art from Below":

Pavel Acevedo is highlighted in the exhibition, and will be coming to run a relief printmaking workshop on September 30 to October 5th:

September 3, 2024

I drew during the morning drawing group at the new Argos Gallery/Studio location in Santa Fe:

September 2, 2024

Drawn at Art Buddies in Albuquerque:

Monday 2 September 2024

Printmaking in Socorro with Axle Contemporary

I drove down to Socorro, New Mexico to make a guerilla tessellation print in front of the AXLE CONTEMPORARY mobile art van on September 1, 2024:

Matthew arranging the print
while Jerry watches

The print in front of the Axle Contemporary art van

We also experimented with printing with ink pads

The Axle van parked at the main plaza
in Socorro, New Mexico

Axle Contemporary was in Socorro to take photos for their E Pluribus Unum: Mogollon project:

  • I think I have to order some hard brayers from Amazon, which will print and clean more easily.  It should also be easier to print on t-shirts with the hard brayers.

Sunday 1 September 2024


Highlights from some of my history:


I had the privilege of getting my masters degree in painting from the ex-Academia de San Carlos in Mexico City:

Me in the middle, next to my painting,
with Igor Buenfil and Joanna

Painting by Antonio Salazar

1991 - 1998

I used to run the drawing sessions at the Mission Cultural Center in San Francisco:

SFNet was active almost the exact time I was living in San Francisco, 1991 - 1998.  It wove the bohemian coffee houses together through computer terminals, before the Internet was available commercially:

SRL (Survival Research Labs) made art by blowing up stuff. I had the privilege of watching them blow up stuff underneath the Bay Bridge in 1995:




2016 to Present