Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Monday 10 June 2024

Street Taco Sized -- AI Linocuts

I laser cut images into linoleum to make linocut disks -- 4 inches in diameter -- for making prints about the size of the "Street Tacos" in Mexico. -- at the ABQ Railyard Market on Sunday, June 9, 2024.


First I generated eight AI images in Midjourney that were "black and white linocuts in a circle":


Then I laser cut the circular AI images into linoleum -- 4 inch diameter -- at Quelab on June 8th, 2024. 

An example of an image
"Flipped horizontally" and turned into a "negative" --
now ready to upload into LightBurn for laser cutting

 Eight "street taco" sized linocut disks fit on a single sheet of linoleum (6x12 inches):

LightBurn settings for the Quelab laser cutter:

Image burning: 
    • Speed -- 150
    • Max and Min power -- 80
    • Two times
Laser cutting:
    • Speed -- 20
    • Power -- 100
    • 7 times

Afterwards I cleaned the fresh linocuts
with rubbing alcohol
(instead of water, which makes the linoleum warp)

Before I went home that night, I printed all the linocuts on a cheap paper pad (4x6 inches) which I bought at Dollar Tree:

Printed on a 4x6 inch notepad
from the Dollar Tree

The "street taco" prints
on note pad paper

Then I framed five of the prints in 4x4 inch frames from Walmart:

I tucked the linocuts in the inking pan

All my printmaking supplies
fit in one box, 

UPDATE (June 25th): I used some of these images to make an "Eclipse" print edition of five, to send to Durango, Mexico, for a print exchange organized by Laboratoria Siete Vidas:

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