Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Prints Crawling

Printmaking warms up as we move into summer:


On May 25, 2024 I will be doing print demos in Albuquerque at the PRINTERS PLANET market at FUSION:


Virgil brought in a carved "hat" linocut, so Henry Morales pulled a new "tessellation" print in his studio after the drawing session on May 21, 2024:

Tessellation print
with four collaborators:
(cw) Casandra, Virgil, 
Ellie, Krrrl

Virgil's new "hat" linocut 


It's somewhat of a challenge to print from these puzzle pieces.  After inking it's hard to move them to the press in the same order:


These "hat" linocuts can be arranged in many different ways:

Henry actually pulled proofs of two different arrangements:

Two different combinations
of the same four linocut pieces



While in El Paso I checked out the opening of the "PRNT PNTG" print exhibition of the UTEP students at Alameda Art and Salvage on May 20, 2024:

student print exhibition
at Almeda Art + Salvage in El Paso

The UTEP student print exhibition

Alameda Art + Salvage

The big event will be the closing during the evening on May 30, 2024.  So people just trickled in during the opening.  Sara Saucedo came when I was there, so I took a picture of her in front of her print:

Sara Saucedo

Sara Saucedo


by Karen H

by Frank Dia

Manuel Guerra, the printmaking professor at UTEP, found an old copper etching, and reworked it with a portrait that he drew:

Manuel Guerra's printmaking studio -- Horned Toad Prints -- is adjacent to the gallery. So Manny was pulling a print for someone while gallery sitting:

Manny pulling an etching print proof,
that took an hour to wipe

Examining the proof

This plate was created 
by someone else (not Manny)

The UTEP student prints are pretty impressive and humbled me deeply:

Humbled by the prints,
I was reduced to panhandling 
outside the printmaking studio

Later Deborah and I went to get a Americanos coffeees
at the Coffee Party nearby
in the Falstaff building


Perhaps we can bring a stack of "hat" shaped linoleum pieces to a coffee shop, get artists to carve something in 3 hours, and make a big collaborative print before they leave:

The major challenge would be HOW to make a big print, with multiple puzzle pieces -- however perhaps we could do that with the "Estampador" hand printer from Barcelona:


This past May 14th, 2024, Cruz Ortiz came from San Antonio to do live printmaking at the Old Sheepdog Brewery in El Paso.  Manuel Guerra also did live printmaking at this event:

DJing and live printmaking
at the Old Sheepdog Brewery in El Paso
on May 14th, 2024

Federico Villalba took a few photos of Cruz Ortiz while he was printing:

Cruz Ortiz
silk screening at the Old Sheepdog Brewery
in El Paso, on May 14th

showing in Santa Fe

Pavel Acevedo has a print show at the Jen Tough Gallery in El Dorado, near Santa Fe:


Yorch is moving his panaderia and print shop to a new location from downtown Juarez:

Panaderia Rezizte
moving from it's Juarez location

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