Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Clay 3D Printers + Hacker Toys + AI Programs

Last weekend I visited the hackerspaces in both Albuquerque and Santa Fe.  Specifically I looked at the 3D clay printers for printing ceramics, but also checked out the other toys at MAKE SANTA FE:


Quelab, in Albuquerque, had a 3D Printer meet-up on Sunday, April 21, 2024, with two 3D printers designed to print in clay:

3D Printer Meet-up at Quelab
on April 21, 2023

Doug brought in the huge Delta 3D printer that he is making from scratch, to print in clay:

Doug, Troy and Aaron
gather around Doug's huge Delta 3D printer
to be designed to print in clay

Doug bought these stepper motors
for his huge clay printer

Doug had also posted
these clay 3D prints on the Quelab Discord

Doug is also the one that scratches real holograms on a CNC router, and posted a video and images on the Quelab Discord:

CNCed scratched
real hologram

The CNC hologram set-up
that Doug posted on the Quelab Discord

  • Doug uses VPYPE software to refine his vector files before making a hologram on a CNC machine

Aaron brought in his 3D printer for clay

Troy's 3D printer

Troy's 3D printer used belts to move the Z axis,
making his 3D printer more reliable

Adam organizes the 3D Printer Meet-ups at Quelab

Plus I had also blogged about 3D clay printing at UNM:


John and I visited MAKE SANTA FE on April 20, 2024, and it was so neat and orderly:

The computer workstations

The 3D Printers
all lined up and orderly,
with two printing away

Gene showed up the clay 3D printer in the ceramics room:

The clay extruder
works with most clays apparently

They had 3D printed some clay pieces, but had not fired them yet:

They had 3D printed this smaller clay piece

And they had 3D printed this larger clay piece

Gene talked about other 3D printers:

The back yard with the kilns

had a huge CNC plasma cutter

MAKE SANTA FE also had a portable CNC router -- the SHAPER ORIGIN.  Check out this YouTube to see how it works:

They also had a portable CNC router --

Besides Gene, we met James and Christy at MAKE SANTA FE:

Of course, in Santa Fe we could also just go to the Tumbleroot Pottery Pub (near The Plaza), and make clay figurines over a beer.  They only give you air dried clay -- however you could 3D scan the figurines you create and 3D print them:


It's hard to keep up with all the new AI innovations in just the last couple of weeks.  While new AI ART features and programs are rolling out as fast as ever, there is a kind of diminishing returns.  They aren't any huge leaps in image generation.

However that is not true for music, as AI MUSIC is just exploding right now, allowing anyone to generate decent songs with AI -- using SUNO and UDIO:

Robert generated these songs in SUNO:

John Tollett generated this song UDIO:

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