Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 9 March 2024

Sanitary Tortilla Factory -- Live Printmaking

We did LIVE PRINTMAKING at the SANITARY TORTILLA FACTORY gallery in Albuquerque on March 8, 2024 to support Henry Morales, who was in the PRINTED MATTER exhibition:

The two colored "puzzle prints" came out quite nicely:

I had laser engraved some AI images into linoleum, and they printed way better than I expected:

This was the first public demonstration
which worked wonderfully

The Stamping Foam worked nicely too

All the presses and other printmaking materials stacked nicely.  I rolled them four blocks from my house to the SANITARY TORTILLA FACTORY gallery:

Just a little further is the Rail Runner train depot in Albuquerque -- which means that I can roll the printmaking materials to station and take them up to Santa Fe on the train.

The following Sunday (March 10th) Eric passed through Albuquerque, and we printed my AI linocuts at Quelab:

I framed and hung the prints at Quelab on March 13th:

Exhibition at Quelab

Perhaps we will also do some live printmaking for the National Nuclear Science and History Museum in Albuquerque, for their "Discovery After Dark" event on April 12th, 2024, where we showed prints last year.

UPDATE: Malcolm King wrote about us on his blog:

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