Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 21 October 2023

PIKA LABS guided by Krrrl

I generated some AI images using AI Comic FactoryMidjourney and Stability Matrix (mixing them with some of my drawings, and also with photographs), and then animated the AI images in PIKA LABS -- to create another AI ANIMATION "COLLAGE":

Contemplating the new Contemporary Art


I then wondered if I could change the style of a PIKA LABS AI animation using EbSynth:

The original animation
generated in Pika Labs

I followed the YouTube tutorial for EbSynth (note that the "key" style image has to be the same pixel dimensions as the video frames):

I generated several different style variations with EbSynth, and made a video of all the variations:

This might be the most interesting variation:


I used AI "Frame Interpolation" in Runway ML on one of my old animated GIFs:


These are short AI animations pieced together like a collage to make a "movie."  The next step is to make a longer "movie," perhaps by using these AI tools below:


I experimented with the free Polycam 3D Gaussian Splattering trial -- the process worked, but my resulting scene was one big blur:

I created a 3D figure (210504__A.glb) and animation in Paint 3D, and then broke that down into individual frames using EzGifPolycam accepted those frames and created a Gaussian Splatter image (in "ply" format), but without the 3D figure I uploaded.  I think this is because the figure had no background for the software to reference.

The "ply" file did open in Blender:

Gaussian Splatter file in "ply" format
did open in Blender

With an Add On we might be able to make animation in Blender, so the 3D Gaussian Splatter could be useful for making a movie (Unreal Engine is probably better for this).


Is there anyway of altering a whole "movie" with AI, in the same way we can upload an image and alter it with text:

Google's new AI feature (SGE) answered the above question:

AI is developing so quickly that I doubt that anyone, even Hollywood, has a full grasp about what can be done. This has to be an opportunity for an outsider to slide in and make something significant... or not.

IDEA:  What if we constructed a scene in the real world, a scene that was first created in PIKA LABS, and then filmed that short scene.  Then we might collage the animation with the video to make something bigger  -- life imitates AI -- albeit still only a few seconds long.

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