Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Thursday 6 April 2023

April 6, 2023

Drawn live at North Fourth Art Center in Albuquerque:







I uploaded the first five drawings from this blog, (A-E) to Leonardo.AI and generated new figures in my drawing styles:

Other AI Generations

I continued making AI generations in Leonardo.AI based on the drawings in this blog, using the models based on my drawings:


Pop-up Print Exhibition

I hung 11 prints during the drawing session, essentially the same prints as we showed in Santa Fe earlier in the week:


Ellie brought colors
to ink her print

Ellie said that if you keep your feet in the middle
you are less likely to make a crease in the paper
at the edge of the linoleum square

The orange woodblock result

Styrofoam print plate

Christine holding up her print

The dark color
is the ball point pen ink
coming through during the printing process

The night before I laser engraved an AI figure into linoleum at Quelab.  This was a figure generated in my drawing style -- by artificial intelligence in Leonardo.AI, based on the best five drawings I did on Tuesday (April 4), using models created from my drawings

Laser engraved into linoleum

Inking in color

Ellie made a board
with a registration sheet

I think my print looks better in color

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