Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 5 April 2023

April 4, 2023

I drew IN PERSON at the Tuesday Night drawing group of Santa Fe at the new Argos Gallery/Studio location. Usually I participate on Zoom, as they arranged a hybrid real/virtual drawing session that started during Covid:

Pencil Drawing

I am having a more difficult time
getting what I want from Leonardo.AI

PENCIL and PEN drawings







I uploaded the first five pen-and-pencil images on this blog post (B- F) to Leonardo.AI, and using my "Krrrl Pencil and Ink 05" model -- the best generations are posted below:

I sent this image to the laser cutter
to engrave into linoleum


It looks like Segment Anything will break down the construction "beans" I use to build a figure drawing.  Perhaps it might be easy now to create another program to "spin those beans," like in the mock-up I created below in 2020:

PEN Gesture Drawings

John Tollett was also at the drawing session and made this great drawing below:


I brought a bucket-o-prints to show during the Argos drawing group:

Top, left to right:

Left to right:

Greta Young, immediately next to her print

I also showed off the Looking Glass Portrait hologram display, with an AI Art holographic slide show.  Adric at Quelab bought a new battery pack for me, and it powered the display for more than three hours: 

and M&Ms

I usually draw with the Santa Fe Tuesday Night Argos group remotely from Albuquerque, from the laptop screen on Zoom.  This time I got to see the Zoom set-up because this time I drew in person:

The Zoom drawing set-up
(without the model)

Faux Print Pop-Ups

April is Print Santa Fe month, so I brought my bucket-o-prints to Santa Fe hoping to piggy-back somewhere and show prints.  It was cold and windy, and I didn't want to show prints on the sidewalk.  However I did set up in front of Hecho Gallery downtown and Hecho A Mano gallery at the top of Canyon Road, just long enough for a print pop-up photo shoot:

Hit-and-run print pop-up photo shoot
at Hecho Gallery in downtown Santa Fe

Hit-and-run print pop-up photo shoot
at Hecho A Mano gallery on Canyon Road


I visited Black Rock Editions, as it was open to the public for Print Santa FeTimothy Nero was making a monoprint there, for the Monothon:

had prints hanging at Black Rock Editions

Return of Albuquerque Iron Man

On February 27th we mourned the demise of the Iron Man sculpture in Albuquerque, at the corner of Lomas and 4th streets, across from the three justice buildings:

However I noticed that Iron Man resurrected himself bigger and better, when I drove by that same Albuquerque intersection on April 4th, which was apparently resurrected the day before (poetically appropriate since this weekend is Easter):

Bigger and Better
Iron Man in Albuquerque

At the corner of Lomas and 4th Street, Albuquerque

...and now Iron Man has begun his revenge on traffic (disclaimer:  The image below was created with AI):

Iron Man Godzilla

Warning Will Robinson:
Next, Iron Man morphs into his Dinosaur rampage

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