Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Sunday 5 February 2023

Prints and February Update

Everything exploded all at once in February:


Our Desert Triangle Print Carpeta is coming to Tucson, as it will be exhibited in the University of Arizona Art Museum from May 27th to December 21st, 2023:

The Desert Triangle exhibition is mentioned on the website of the Southwest Contemporary Magazine of Santa Fe:


The Ambos Lados International Print Exchange was accepted for the II Encuentro Internacional de Estampa, March 15-17, 2023. Taller Grafica Libre, of Zaachila, Oaxaca, will be bringing the prints to Xalapa, Veracruz for the conference:

8x8 Show

Manuel Guerra put out the call-to-printmakers for the second 8x8 show in El Paso, on May 18th  -- with a LINK to sign up

Stephanie Weiner

Takach Press displayed Stephanie Weiner's print on their antique press in the front room:


Hecho A Mano gallery on Canyon Road in Santa Fe put out a call-to-printmakers for MINI PRINTS. The judges are Alfonso Barrera and Mirel Fraga. The entry deadline is March 15, 2023. The opening is on April 29th and the show will be up until May 21, 2023.  This print show begins at the end of PRINT SANTA FE -- the same night of the WolfBat Procession on Canyon Road!!!

  •  and Taller 75 Grados are organizing a print show in Mexico City including Federico's print.


I walked into a high school art exhibition -- the New Mexico Scholastic Award Winners show -- during the First Friday downtown ABQ Artwalk on February 3, 2023.  It was only a few blocks from my house in Barelas, at the Orpheum Community Hub in Albuquerque.  I was pleased to see high school artists from EL PASO on display amongst the New Mexican artists:

The gallery showing high school work

One of Diane Vera's students in El Paso, Sarah Uribe, had a print hanging in the gallery:

Diane Vera's student, Sarah Uribe,
had a nice print hanging in the gallery

is having a show at Xico in Phoenix,
March 3 to June 23, 2023


In addition to the New Mexico/El Paso high school art show, I also checked out Ben Harrison's opening at the Red Door Brewing Company during the downtown ABQ Artwalk:

Ben Harrison hung a mural across the street, on the Kress Building, between 4th and 5th street on Central:

When I saw the "Coyoacan" metro sign I had to buy this giclee of Frida by Cosmic Desert.  I rode this olive green metro all the time around 1990, between UNAM university and downtown Mexico City.  This subway station was only two stops away from the "Division del Norte" station, by my house:

 AI Art

I looked up "krrrl drawings" on You.com and found that Autolume Acedia had used my AI figure drawing model -- http://krrrl.blogspot.com/2020/08/runway-ml-3rd-model-based-on-long-poses.html -- to in part create some the second video on their website.  It was part of an exterior exhibition in Kelowna, British Columbia in February 2022:

They even credited my AI model:


Artistic credit: Jonas Kraasch and Philippe Pasquier

Video Generation programming: Jonas Kraasch

Music Composition: Philippe Pasquier

For the audio to video mapping please refer to https://metacreation.net/autolume-automating-live-music-visualisation/.

Datasets and dependencies: 

Flower Dataset:https://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/ &DerrickSchultz  (https://linktr.ee/dvsmethid)

Draw Model: http://krrrl.blogspot.com/2020/08/runway-ml-3rd-model-based-on-long-poses.html

My friend Elizabeth Johnson is writing about art on the East Coast:

The Brooklyn Rail review:
Please note that Don Doe’s I’ll have What They’re Having at 490 Atlantic Gallery
has been extended through 2/19/23.

Painters on Painting essay Carol Saft’s Cynnie Paintings at CANADA Gallery

The Artblog: Philadelphia Gallerist Series:

Gross McCleaf Gallery, Art Sync: Conversations with Gallery Artists:


Quelab is thawing out nicely after the flood and the Covid lockdown.  They are building an airplane, a silk screening station, and the big CNC machine is operating.

Daniel and Mitchell 
building an airplane tail
on February 4th

Mitchell built a bicycle expresso table
on Feb 2nd

Adam working the big CNC machine
at Quelab

Quelab has come a long ways since the sprinkle broke and flooded the space on October 30, 2021:

The Quelab flood
(while water was still leaking/raining into the space)

George Strasburger

February 2nd was the last day of the "PARABLES" exhibition by Tucson artist George Strasburger, at the Yuma Art Center in Arizona:


  • Remarque Print Workshop in Albuquerque also had an opening on Friday, March 3, 2023 for their Annual Members Exhibition.

  • 516 ARTS in downtown Albuquerque had an opening the following night, Saturday, March 4, 2023, for the "Artists as Knowledge Carriers" exhibition.

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