Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Friday 3 February 2023

February 2, 2023

Drawn live at North Fourth Art Center in Albuquerque:


AI Volleyball

I passed the drawing below between two AIs -- "Text 2 Dream" in Deep Dream Generator, and Midjourney -- in a game of "Telephone" solitaire:

Collage of three drawings

1)  I uploaded the above drawing into "Text 2 Dream "in Deep Dream Generator, with the prompt: "A pen and ink drawing in the style of English Victorian illustration," using their "Artistic" model:

"Text 2 Dream" prompt:
 "A pen and ink drawing in the style of English Victorian illustration"

2)  Then I uploaded the above image into Midjourney using the same prompt:  "A pen and ink drawing in the style of English Victorian illustration," and the image below was the closest to the image above:

Midjourney prompt: 
 "A pen and ink drawing in the style of English Victorian illustration"

3)  Then I revisited "Text 2 Dream" in Deep Dream Generator by uploading the above image, with the same prompt: "A pen and ink drawing in the style of English Victorian illustration," again using the "Artistic" model:

Deep Dream Generator
"Text 2 Dream" prompt:
 "A pen and ink drawing in the style of English Victorian illustration"

4)  Finally I uploaded the above image to Midjourney with the same prompt again:  "A pen and ink drawing in the style of English Victorian illustration."

Midjourney prompt: 
 "A pen and ink drawing in the style of English Victorian illustration"


I didn't get anything I liked, so I started again, uploading the first AI image (created in "Text 2 Dream") to Midjourney with the prompt: "in the style of Hans Bellmer":

Midjourney prompt: "in the style of Hans Bellmer"

I wondered if I had just uploaded the original collage drawing to Midjourney with the same prompt " "A pen and ink drawing in the style of English Victorian illustration." It was very different from what "Text 2 Dream" in Deep Dream Generator gave me:

Midjourney prompt: 
 "A pen and ink drawing in the style of English Victorian illustration"


Elle transferred a photo with tracing paper, to a 6x6 inch expanded PVC foam square, and then gouged into it with a metal etching needle.  The relief print came out really nicely:

Photo, tracing paper,
expanded PVC square, print

The plated looked wonderful 
when inked up

Elle printing on the Tortilla Press

The print made with 

The print made with

Rocking Board

Elle then made a print with the new FEZIBO rocking balance board after drawing into a Styrofoam plate:

Inking the Styrofoam plate

The print (left)
next to the inked Styrofoam plate (right)

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