Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Friday 30 December 2022


After all these rapid AI Art innovations in the last six months, 2022 ends on a high note giving us access to Point E, the text-to-3D program. It's sure to get more powerful in 2023!

1) Text-to-3D

During the Zoom drawing session of December 27th, Holly showed us the 3D objects she created from text, after she imported them into Blender.  One of the objects was a 2d-image-to-3D (the two cubes on the left):
Holly created these five objects
from a Point E program

For fun I uploaded the above screen grab to Midjourney, and that AI program generated the image below:

Midjourney prompt: "cube corgi plant car"

2)  Image-to-3D

Javelina drawing, morbidly obese horse, my drawing (l to r)
OBJ files generated in the Point E demo

DOWNLOAD:  Image-to-3D_experiments.blend  (8.38 MB)

I found an online program on Hugging Face that allowed me to use the Point E program -- Point-E text-to-3D Demo.  It allows text-to-3D and image-to-3D.

Morbidly Obese Horse

So I uploaded the "a morbidly obese horse" generated in Midjourney by Greebly, and created an OBJ 3D file in the Point E demo:

Midjourney prompt: "a morbidly obese horse"

The Point E demo created a 3D OBJ file, that one can open and develop in Blender, though it was not pretty:

Screen grab of the OBJ file

DOWNLOAD:  Morbidly_obese_horse__3d_model.obj  (641.47 KB)

I then uploaded one of my drawings to the Point E demo, and created another ugly 3D file:

Krrrl Drawing

I opened the OBJ file

DOWNLOAD:  220110_A.blend  (1.18 MB)

Javelina Drawing

Perhaps more successfully I first created an image in Midjourney, blending my drawing with a Midjourney image of an Egyptian javelina, and then uploaded that result to create a 3D file:

December 1, 2022
Midjourney -- 2 image mix

I did texture the OBJ file
after I opened it in Paint 3D

DOWNLOAD:  javelina-drawing_3d_model.glb  (10.99 MB)

I think the simpler javelina drawing figure gave a better 3D result. So that after a bit of manipulation, one might be able to finesse something useable from the Point E program. 


3)  Magic Mix

Magic Mix is a more semantic "image-to-image" program:

Midjourney prompt: "a morbidly obese horse"
prompt: "Honda automobile"

Midjourney to Magic Mix conversion

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