Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Friday 6 May 2022

Print Weekend -- BUCKET EXHIBITION at North Fourth Art Center


Our ten framed 8 x 8 inch prints look great at the North Fourth Art Center in Albuquerque, which we hung on May 6th.  This is part of the BUCKET EXHIBITIONS project:

We are piggy backing on their opening on Friday, May 6th, from 5 - 7 PM.

of prints at the North 4th Art Center

All of these prints are by artists who attend the Thursday night figure drawing sessions at the North Fourth Art Center.  Krrrl brings the Tortilla Press to make prints during the model breaks, for the artists that bring a carved 6 x 6 inch linoleum block. 

Rich Hasler next to hit print
at the opening

The TEN Prints
8 x 8 inches is enough

Russ Riekeman

Mark Woody

Ken Romig

Rich Hasler

Mary Julyan

All the prints were made during the drawing sessions on the TORTILLA PRESS (which we got from 3Gatos Press of Guadalajara):

Thank you Tim Psomas for curating the show and running the life drawing sessions!!!

The main opening was for the big exhibition -- Indigenous Brilliance -- in the front room of the North 4th Art Center.  It was organized by Lyle Yazzie, who also attends the Thursday night life drawing sessions:

The idea of the BUCKET EXHIBITIONS is that ten good prints is a good show.  We can carry around ten framed 8 x 8 inch prints in a bucket and have hit-and-run pop-up shows in many small venues.  We can send the 8 x 8 inch prints in the mail and have reciprocal pop-up shows in El Paso and New Mexico:

We plan to continue collecting prints for the BUCKET and having more exhibitions of the new prints.  This is just the beginning.

Monterrey, Mexico

Igor Galvez Buenfil sent four 8 x 8 inch prints from Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico where he teaches in a printmaking studio -- Forma 5.  He overnighted them by FedEx, and I picked them up on Cinco de Mayo. We aspire to have reciprocal pop-up print exhibitions on both sides of the border, in both New and Old Mexico:

Jose Luis Carrera Garza

Ulises Vargas Moreno

Ulises Vargas Moreno

We also sent 7 prints to Monterrey, Mexico on April 14th, and they arrived on May 10th, 2022 -- in less than a month.  It cost us less than $16 to send the prints through the regular USPS mail:

We sent 7 prints to Monterrey, Mexico
by the regular USPS mail
and they arrived a month later


We are also expecting some 8 x 8 inch prints from Oaxaca soon:

(in process view)

In 2018 we organized a print exchange of 8 x 8 inch prints -- Ambos Lados International Print Exchange -- of 158 prints from mostly Mexico, the US, with a few prints from Cuba, Australia, Canada and Ireland.  That exhibition was just taken down in Albuquerque on April 30th. 


Tres Gatos Press is sending 8x8 inch prints up to El Paso for the Bucket Exhibitions:

Santa Fe

When I was in Santa Fe on May 4th I picked up some linocuts to print from Greta Young.  Also Richard Nicholas gave me this beautiful multi-colored reduction print:

8 x 8 inch reduction print

On May 9th I printed the two linocuts below that Greta Young carved:

Remarque Print Workshop

Remarque Print Workshop in Albuquerque had an opening for Mary Sundstrom and Larinda Meade that same night, Friday, May 6th. 

of Albuquerque

came from Portland, Maine

Tom Darrah was showing paintings in the Matrix Fine Art gallery in front of Remarque:

Tom Darrah at the Matrix gallery
in front of his paintings


Robert Atkinson made his own Tortilla Press at Quelab:

Robert Atkinson with his Tortilla Press
with and adjustable pressure bar

Robert printing on the streets of Albuquerque
with the Tortilla Press
on the First Friday Art Walk, May 6th


I brought ten 8x8 inch framed prints to the drawing session at the Edith Bunker for a pop-up exhibition, on May 7th, 2022:

Prints left to right:  Krrrl, Joshua Woodhall, Rich Hasler, Rex Barron, Chris Bardey, Deborah Cool-Flowers, Celeste De Luna, Mary Sundstrom Julianna Kirwin, Alejandra Mares

Live Printmaking in Santa Fe

There was live printmaking as part of the "HerStory" exhibition at the Axle Contemporary mobile art van, on Sunday, May 8th, 11 AM - 3 PM.

We will be exhibiting the Bucket Prints in the Axle Contemporary mobile art van, and doing live Tortilla Press printmaking during the Printed Matter festival in Santa Fe, on July 10th, 10 - 4 PM:

I started a new blog on May 10th, 2022 -- BUCKET EXHIBITIONS

Other Recent Print Posts:

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