Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 15 January 2022

January 4, 2022

The Tuesday Night drawing group of Santa Fe drew together online using Zoom, because of the Covid 19 quarantine. The model was from Texas, I drew in Tucson:

I used "Unsharp Mask" in Photoshop Elements 2021 to bring up the contrast in all the figures above.

A while back John Tollett recommended that I use "Unsharp Mask" in Photoshop to enhance my drawings.  Below is an example of the difference:  the first image just heightens the contrast, and the second image is after applying "Unsharp Mask":

The first image just with heightened contrast --
the second image after applying "Unsharp Mask"
in Photoshop Elements 2021


I spent Christmas in El Paso.

paste-up in El Paso

Before I left, Manuel Guerra pulled a print from the linoleum that I laser cut at Quelab in Albuquerque:

Manuel Guerra pulled a laser cut linoleum print
from one of my drawings
at Horned Toad Prints in El Paso

The laser cut linoleum printed

Jorge Perez (Yorch) just painted a huge mural on the side of the Rio Grande.  Anyone walking across the bridge into Juarez from downtown El Paso can't miss seeing it:

The mural is a reworking of the same image he created for the prints he made for us in 2017, for the Postre Prints Exhibition at the Purple Pop-up Gallery on San Jacinto Plaza in El Paso.


I after spending Christmas in El Paso, I spent a couple of weeks in Arizona:

Tanya Rich and Chano
in Tanque Verde near Tucson

Tanya under a huge saguaro cactus
at Starr Pass in Tucson

Tanya under a huge yucca

Arizona is a dangerous place

Abducted by Aliens in Twoson

Art appreciation in Tucson
when the University of Arizona students
come back to town

Great Tucson bands:

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