Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Thursday 21 October 2021

October 12, 2021

I drew the live model at AMANO in El Paso, which the last time I drew there was known as the Glasbox.  Now they have an Instagram -- El  Paso Draw.

The model is a performance artist with a YouTube channel.  She is living in Cinco Puntos Gallery in El Paso for five days as an art project.

I transferred the style of my relief print for the Southwest Print Fiesta Print Exchange 2021 (see image below) to my pencil figure drawing, using Deep Dream Generator, and arrived at the above image after some extra editing in Photoshop Elements 2021.

August 31, 2021

UPDATE: (Nov 9)


I pushed the pencil gesture drawing below as far as I could with AI (artificial intelligence):

Pencil gesture drawing

Altered by Petalica Paint

AI seeded with the same image
four times

I uploaded the image immediately above to seed and create each of the four images below using the AI program VQGAN+CLIP.  Note that I just added the name of a new style or artist for each subsequent iteration: 

prompts:  Zbrush

Telephone AI
(seeded with the previous result)

I continued to use the VQGAN+CLIP program in series, like a game of "telephone."  I used the result of the first AI transformation to seed the second transformation, and the second to seed the third, etc:

AI progress,
seeding the next image 
with the result of the previous AI treatment

I seeded the first iteration with this image,
the result of the previous AI treatment


Los Tres Gatos Press soliciting for a paste-up Tzompantli that they will put up in Guadalajara.

While we were at the Southwest Print Fiesta in Silver City, Killchjoy was painting a mural in El Paso for their Chalk the Block event:

Killjoy (center)

Remarque Print Workshop in Albuquerque is hosting four resident printmakers from other parts of the country, and I went to their presentation on Tuesday, October 19th (instead of drawing with the Santa Fe Tuesday Night drawing group).

Links to the resident artists websites:

Scott Ludwig from North Carolina

Larinda Meade - from Maine

Ann Johnston-Schuster from California

Lori Stanziola -from Kansas City

 Scott Ludwig told me about the Provisional Press, a type-high letterpress that one can make using a lasercutter.  The plans are posted online.

Julianna Kirwin put up these community print murals in the Wells Park neighborhood in Albuquerque:


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