Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 11 August 2021

August 10, 2021

The Tuesday Night drawing group of Santa Fe drew together online using Zoom, because of the Covid 19 quarantine.

The pen drawings above and below were altered in Petalica Paint, which may have a thin Paul Wunderlich feel.

The drawings below were altered with Deep Dream Generator:


I carved a print from "Expanded PVC Foam" which I bought at Port Plastics.  I then Tortilla Press printed the image, like we did over the weekend in Albuquerque and Santa Fe.

First I drew the model directly on a 6 x 6 inch square of PVC foam.  

Drawn on an Expanded PVC Foam plate

Then I cut the image into the PVC plate:

The plate was cut with relief knives

Finally I printed the image on a Tortilla Press using Akua Raw Umber ink on a sheet of 8 x 8 inch Rives Lightweight White paper:

The final print
made on a Tortilla Press

I was happy to have made the print so fast, about an hour after the drawing session ended.  However I wasn't satisfied with the print, so I continued to alter the image with AI (artificial intelligence).  

I applied the line image from Joy Division to the pink carved image above, using Deep Dream Generator.  Then I converted the result into a black and white image using XnView -- Image/Convert to Binary/Binary (Floyd Steinberg):

I combined layers of Deep Dream Generator treatments in Photoshop Elements 2021, to get a more interesting image:

Further edited

Perhaps I could get a better black-and-white image.  If so, I could laser cut it into linoleum and print it again with the Tortilla Press.


In 2012 we thought it was amazing when we 3D Printed in bronze metal one of Alison Aragon's clay figures:

Now in 2021 they are 3D printing rockets in metal to shoot off into outer space.

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