Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Sunday 4 April 2021

Playform AI Experiments

I experimented in Playform by using their AI (artificial intelligence) to alter my drawings.



  • Link to the First Batch training in Playform -- RRRobert

I first uploaded 30 of my three hour figure drawings as the "Inspiration" source, and then "trained" on 30 of Robert Atkinson's AI creations (made in Art Breeder) as a style source for 50 minutes.  The style variations on just one of the 30 drawing are shown in quick summary below:

50 resulting variations in quick summary,
as a style reference
(Webp file)


1) I chose "Style Transfer" in Playform:

I chose "Style Transfer"

2) I chose "Train a Model/Style Transfer," the last option:

 Train a Model/Style Transfer

3)  I input 30 of my long drawings in the "Inspiration" collection, to be altered by the drawings in the "Style" collection, ie those 30 AI creations of Robert Atkinson:

The "Inspiration" collection
to take on the flair of the images in the "Style" collection

4)  The drawings were altered in 50 steps, in 50 minutes:

The first set of AI alterations on my drawings

"INSPIRATION" Input Collection:

One of the 30 drawings I uploaded,
to be altered

"STYLE" Input Collection:

that transferred their styles
to my drawings


The results are all 481 x 512 pixels: 

Then I "trained" on 30 of my own altered drawings that had previously been altered -- by the Deep Dream Generator AI program (like these), which added color and style elements to my 30 mostly monotone pencil drawings.  After 50 minutes this made a second set of AI altered Krrrl figure drawings:

My "Inspiration" collection of plain drawings
were altered by my colorful AI drawings
of the "Style" collection

An altered drawing set
in the middle of "training"


The results are all 387 x 512 pixels:


The results are low resolution images, no bigger than 512 pixels in the largest direction.  However there is a resizing by AI option in the program.  Just select an image you like, and chose the free "Bicubic"  option.  One can then increase the pixel dimensions to as large as 2048 in one direction:

Increasing the pixel resolution
inside the Playform program


Once one has "trained" a set, he can upload up to 30 more images, and produce another set of images with that particular style:

Alter more images

I uploaded one of my Paint 3D drawings to Playform,
to apply the style from the "trained" First Batch

The altered result,
after I increased the contrast

Altering an image
from the "trained" Second Batch

Trained on the 2nd batch


  • The idea seems similar to the "StyleGan2" options in Runway ML (which also is not free).  I experimented with this last summer and wrote about it on my blog.  Runway ML also allowed me to download the "trained" PKL files.
  • Deep Dream Generator will also do the same, transferring the style of one image to another using AI (artificial intelligence).  This is a free online program, but one has to sign up to use it.  They have also recently upgraded so that one can download higher resolution results.

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