Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 13 January 2021

January 12, 2021

The Tuesday Night drawing group of Santa Fe drew together online using Zoom, because of the Covid 19 quarantine.

I collaborated with John Tollett with an online drawing program Aggie.io, using a Wacom tablet -- see the image below.  Then I altered that collaboration in Deep Dream Generator -- see the image above.

Drawing online with a Wacom tablet

According the the AI program "Visual Chatbot," our collaboration is entitled -- "a UNK UNK with a UNK and a pair of scissors'' -- and was painted by de Kooning.  

that this image was 
"painted by de Kooning"

So I uploaded one of my solo drawings for more abuse:

Update (January 21):  John took the drawing at the link one step further:

Another collaboration,
John Tollett's drawing on the right

The original drawing with a Wacom tablet on the right,
altered by Deep Dream Generator on the left

Below is a Wacom drawing that I did not alter with AI (artificial intelligence):

I started with pencil to create the images below, before altering them with Deep Dream Generator.


The January Albuquerque downtown Art Walk happened on the 8th. Though attendance was light, the energy was enthusiastic.

B Ruppe Gallery during the Art Walk

I bought the t-shirt below, which is supposed to be "Albuquerque" in Navajo.  More specifically Holly writes:  Beeʼeldííl Dahsinil - Albuquerque “that with which ringing is done, bells” + “held up, above” + “large objects in place or in position:” 

"Albuquerque" in Navajo calligraphy

And Santa Fe in Navajo: Yootó - Santa Fe "Bead water"

Traffic was light on 4th Street

Mariposa (l) and Wemfer (r)
painting at 5th and Central


This blog is partially preserved on Archive.org.

However deep in a Google search this blog also shows up on the "Dating Fails" website (I'm sure that this is fishing website, probably not a good idea to go there).

Probably not a good idea to go to 
this website

Colab notebook for text-to-image program Deep Gaze (like Dall-e, though I don't know how to use it).

New pigments:  the blackest black, and the whitest white

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