Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 11 July 2020

GitHub Art Programs

GitHub, the software coding website, has many interactive programs that can modify my drawings in the browser.  Apparently I have already been using programs from GitHub, like Deep Dream Generator and PaintsChainer (now Petaluca Paint) and Geometrize, all having incubated on GitHub.


Triangulator by Javier Bórquez (javierbyte) reduces images to simplified triangles.

Two triangulated versions
blended into one image


Triangulate Images by Georg Fischer (snorpey) also reduces images to triangles.

Blended slightly with the original

Constellations by Sher Minn Chong (piratefish) is a fun moving triangle program.

Make Hyperbolic
 Tilings of Images

Make Hyperbolic Tilings of Images by Malin Christersson (who is on GitHub, but did not post this project there).

Malin Christersson has some other great interactive demos online:


Glitch Tools by Alex Adam (alexadam) generates glitches in the drawings I upload to the program.


The SpaceShip Generator by Michael Davies (a1studmuffin) is an addon for Blender that was posted on GitHub (YouTube video).

*S T Y L E*

While a lot of the generative art programs on GitHub will not alter my drawings directly, they do create pattern styles that I can use in Deep Dream Generator, to transfer their styles to my drawings.


Eschersket.ch by Anselm Levskaya (levskaya) is an online program that creates Escher-like patterns.  I transferred the style of these patterns to my drawings in Deep Dream Generator.

I transferred the style from
 a higher resolution version
of this pattern I made in the Escher software,
to my drawing using Deep Dream Generator

The result,
after I did more editing in Photoshop Elements

A single tile
from the Eschersket.ch image


Inconvergent Sandbox by Anders Hoff (inconvergent) is a bunch of interactive programs that create patterns which I can apply to my drawings in Deep Dream Generator, such as those created with Circles.

Triangles by Maksim Surguy (msurguy) also generates colorful triangle patterns. 
Low resolution version
of the style reference I used in Deep Dream Generator


Sofloo by Rhys (Anemy) gives random images, with some input by the viewer, that can be downloaded as a PNG file.


Weavesilk is an interactive generative drawing program online (with starting access from many variations, click any background image).  I did not find this program on GitHub.

Edited and cropped version
of the style reference I used in Deep Dream Generator
(I added the blue in the background)


I applied the style of two weavesilk variations to one of my drawings in Deep Dream Generator, getting two results.  I blended each result with the original drawing using Layers in Photoshop Elements, and then blended both of those together in Photoshop Elements, to get the image below:

Deep Dream Generator

Altered by two Weavesilk styles


Whiteboard WBO by Ophir LOJKINE (lovasoa) allows two or more people online to draw on the same image.  The Public Board is more adventurous.

Low resolution version
of the style reference I used in Deep Dream Generator
(before I cropped out the icons on the edges)


Pixilart by ComLarsic is an online drawing program with some generative features.

I applied the style of the Pixilart created image above, to one of my drawings, in Deep Dream Generator.  Then I imported the result into Pixilart again, and drew on it:

Altered in two ways
by Pixilart



Low resolution version
of the style reference I used in Deep Dream Generator

I used each of the color patterns above, to combine with my drawing in Deep Dream Generator, creating two results.  I blended both of the results with the original drawing using Layers in Photoshop Elements, then I combined both of those drawings in Photoshop Elements to make the colored figure below:

Altered by two styles
from different Color Wander programs


DrawCode by Matt DesLauriers creates odd colored shapes when one drags their mouse across the screen, creating a brief architectural cityscape, that vanishes like a mirage.  Hold the space bar done to freeze and save the image.

Low resolution version
of the style reference I used in Deep Dream Generator

No editing,
this is the exact image that 

Matt DesLauriers has also posted to the  CodePen website, where one can play with the code, and change the generative artwork.  Perhaps direct online coding is another way, besides trolling GitHub, to alter my drawings and create art.

The simplest CodePen example

is not GitHub

CodePen is a different website and concept than GitHub, allowing viewers to hack the code online.  I found "Cubies" by Gerard Ferrandez, and used the output as a style reference in Deep Dream Generator, to alter one of my drawings.  HackerRank has an article pointing to other art generators on CodePen -- Creating with Code.

Low resolution version
of the style reference I used in Deep Dream Generator

Is CodeSandbox a similar resource?

How about _threejs playGnd?


In Structure Synth (also not a GitHub program, though the author is listed there) by Mikael Hvidtfeldt Christensen, I generated a 3D shape, downloaded a PNG of it, cropped the image, and transferred its style to the CodePen altered drawing above.

Altered with styles from both

Mikael Hvidtfeldt Christensen also posted a great interactive online program -- Strange Attractors.



Fast Transfer Style by Yining Shi (yining1023) uses the same style transfer idea as Deep Dream Generator, but is very limited. 

Fast Transfer Style


"A curated list of awesome projects, works, people, articles, and resource for creating art (including music) with machine learning."

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