Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 25 April 2020

Pattern Styles in Deep Dream Generator

Using Google's AI program -- Deep Dream Generator -- I transferred the "style" of some of the abstract patterns I created in the Kaleidoscope Patterns posting, to my figure drawings.

🎵YouTube Celestial playlist🎵

applied to my figure drawings

LView Pro

I later shifted color and otherwise edited the results in Photoshop Elements and XnView.

Reddish-Brown Pattern "Style"
applied to my figure drawings


Animated color variations

applied to my figure drawings

All the drawings above came from my book -- Finish My Figure Drawings -- and are in the public domain.  They can be downloaded in high resolution at the link below the image, to do with as one pleases.

Download slideshow presentation of the first 200 images of my book (453 MB), made with XnView.

More blog posts about AI and computer altered art:

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