Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 29 February 2020

February 29, 2020

Drawn in the Argos Gallery of Santa Fe:

Altered with Deep Dream Generator

Altered with different source images

All 20 minute stages of this drawing were altered, starting with Deep Dream Generator, in the same sequence as the drawings of February 26, 2020

Lots of editing,
(this image looks like it should be printed in 3D

All this digital editing opens new doors (like showing how color would look with my drawings), but the results aren't entirely satisfactory.  I need to touch up the results on a tablet.

Moreover, I'd like to print the altered images out large, and oil paint on top of them.  I believe the painting that I commissioned in China, of one of my drawings, was done this way.   It seems like there must be a whole wave of painters doing such, perhaps ushering in a 21st century movement.

After the drawing session
I went to Kathamann's opening -- Arabesque --

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