Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Monday 17 June 2019

The Ryder Studio -- Summer 2019

I am taking the 2 week figure drawing workshop at the Ryder Studio in Santa Fe (I had also taken the same drawing workshop in 2017) :

The final drawing altered in AI,
and a bit of post production in Photoshop

Both of the above drawings are posted on Instagram.


Strathmore 400 series drawing pad,
medium surface,
clipped to a similar sized foamboard for support

Mars Staedtler pencils,
2B to 6B at the very least,
and 150 to 220 sandpaper for fine tip sharpening

kneaded eraser,
and a brush for removing eraser crumbs

INDEX of addition pages:

Day 1 -- June 10th, Monday:

John Reger gave the lecture on the first day of the workshop:

** Developing Caliper Vision **
John Reger giving the drawing demo
from a live model

John Reger's demo drawing

Day 2 -- June 11, Tuesday:

Anthony Ryder took over from the second day on:

Anthony Ryder using a bicycle spoke (or piano wire)
to measure the model
while giving a drawing demo

Anthony Ryder sharpens the pencil to a long, fine point --
and usually holds the pencil from the back end, 
allowing for a light touch, and longer sweeping lines

Days 3,4, 5-- June 12,13,14:

Anthony Ryder started the long demo, which he finished at the end of the two week session, on June 21st:

2nd Week (June 17 - 21):

(of the same long pose)

By Anne

By Cynthia

By Dennis

(missing, Celeste Ryder, instructor at the Ryder Studio)

Anthony Ryder studied with Ted Seth Jacobs at the Art Student's League in New York City.

The Dictionary of Human Form by Ted Seth Jacobs

Library downstairs
at the Ryder Studio

During the workshop, three other academic drawing ateliers came up:

I really enjoyed both the summer figure drawing workshops I took at the Ryder Studio in Santa Fe (2017 and 2019).  The instruction is very concrete, more so that anything I got in college.  Moreover, I enjoy the multi-days poses -- rarely do I get to struggle with a drawing for more than 3 hours.

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